Just In
for It's Always The Quiet Ones

1/24/2022 c1 Jamr
Loved this story. This is a must read...
1/19/2022 c1 Tweetie Bird
Wow. Go Luna!
1/19/2022 c1 v
1/15/2022 c1 Sebine
H P Lovecraft
Harry Potter

1/8/2022 c1 Incantations7
Now THAT was an enjoyable one shot to read!

Talk about "a power that he knows not"...
12/31/2021 c1 Cwhit930
Lol badass Luna that’s a new one. Thanks for the story
12/18/2021 c1 7Tentrees
ROFLOL alot!
12/17/2021 c1 Laurel013
This is great! I love it! Hahahahaha! You rock Luna!
12/12/2021 c1 odonnellzoo99
Go Luna! I appreciate that Harry wanted to protect her, but good job of Hermione noticing that it was unnecessary and probably a bad idea.
Excellent way of shortening/eliminating the second Voldemort War.
12/10/2021 c1 lulu2613
That was the best thing I have ever read! Ohhh if only Severus had listened.
12/9/2021 c1 39Rico Perrien

I haven't read as much HP Lovecraft as I might, as The Dunwich Horror gave me nightmares for quite some time, but this reminds me of it.

Thank you
12/3/2021 c1 marcinkrycki2314
And this is one of the reasons Luna Lovegood is my favorite character from HP series.
11/11/2021 c1 Kali-blue
Brilliant! Bye Bye Severus and a lot of Death Eaters. Kali
10/26/2021 c1 Wolvie26
Love it!
10/18/2021 c1 Claud
By far the best Luna fanfic I've read. Amazing! Excellent plot and layout.
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