Just In
for It's Always The Quiet Ones

3/7/2021 c1 62The Majestic Dophin
Well this was wild and creepy and brilliant! I loved the imagery and it was suitably creepy at all the best moments. I would love to know more about Pandora and the Marshes and how Flitwick knows about them. Loved it!
3/5/2021 c1 2MCH
oh this is priceless, there where many character that JKR created and then did do them justice in her story.

you have done a great story on Luna and given us a story with fab discriptions of the summoned Wrackspurt this story is worth of being in JKR world. I love authors who take an event or person and twist it into a unique take on Harry's world.

plus I live how Snape got his just desserts and that he was the first to play the price of being a death eater and that Luna spell was the power that Tom knew not.

I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall while Flitwick explained to Dumbledore and maybe his goblin kin what happened.

2/22/2021 c1 Guest
This had me roaring with laughter. Thank you. Brilliant. Loved it. Doesn’t need anything else to say xD
2/23/2021 c1 109Hiya
Eldritch Horror. That's what this is. Lovecraftian, freakish horror, and you know this. And I love it.
2/19/2021 c1 Fang of the Frozen Winds
Hmm, Eldritch!Luna...

yes... I like this, I like it a lot.
2/16/2021 c1 Guest
Yes... just, yes.
That is the only way to describe the hilarity and my approval at this situation
1/27/2021 c1 Guest
This is an awesome story!
1/29/2021 c1 Uldihaa
Oh, this is superb. Well paced, descriptive and a delight (if one can call rightly describe a Cosmic Horror fic that way).
1/27/2021 c1 avigor
Awesome. Just, awesome.
1/25/2021 c1 shipping kiwi
Um... yes? This was amazing? Haha, don't mess with Luna Lovegood. Really interesting concept, Wrackspurts being real. Luna getting angry at Snape was horrifying and enthralling, just like the Great Old One. This whole fic was super creative, especially with how Luna accidentally saved everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed this, thank you for writing! :D
1/18/2021 c1 Readerjkr
I always reread this again if it’s mentioned in an author’s favs of a story I’ve just read. Best short story on this site imo.
1/2/2021 c1 10SnuggleKitten69
I do like how you injected then merged two completely different fandoms in the most appropriate, internally consistent, and plausible fashion.
Thank you for sharing.
12/20/2020 c1 Pygmy Hippo
Oh my god! I’m in love!
12/18/2020 c1 3Steve-Arkarian
I loved this! But you said two people seem to know what was going on and I'm assuming you weren't counting Luna in that, so I'm guessing it was Flitwick and was the other one Hermione? you mentioned something about her eyes being dark and her knowing what to do but isn't she a mother born is it just because she's well red like what's going on with that?
12/3/2020 c1 diabolicArbitor
This was awesome. I could very well see Luna as a decendant of the Marsh family.
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