Just In
for Split the Skies Asunder

11/22/2023 c2 18Luciendar
Another unfinished story. Beautiful and so full of potential, yet gone before its time. Just like all the greats. Sigh.
5/19/2022 c2 Guest
11/6/2021 c2 Naruto0858589547
Damn sucks the story’s ends here, please consider revisiting it
5/29/2021 c2 Jdkem
I just wish there was another chapter! I want to see the meet up and the reactions!
2/12/2021 c2 FakeFrost
I really really want you to continue this fic. I loved Thunderous and I love this rewrite so far. 0lease come back to this there are lots of people waiting just as I am.
2/3/2021 c2 RapidGianna
pls update
2/12/2020 c2 UncleBlackPanther
A good story, and it has a very good plot. If you make a continuation or continue
the same story will be very cool and that the continuation is very makes you a great fanfic writer, and please continue the story.
1/3/2020 c2 HAEVs Sha
Dead like the other.. Hope real life treat you better
10/30/2019 c2 quaker212
Great start
7/7/2019 c2 Amargi'sNodachi
Cute backstory. Interesting story. Looking forward to more.
4/15/2019 c2 Guest
A it still should of ongoing same way
3/13/2019 c2 Blackdragonreaper22
When's the next update
1/14/2019 c2 3Diana9922
Great I love
The reunion Akeno and Naruto héhéhé
Quickly I can not wait
When will we continue?
12/2/2018 c2 RamaGaiden
This cliff hanger gave me a fucking aneurism
9/4/2018 c2 1Totalnerd3638
That cliffhanger nearly killed me. Lol
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