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for Tentatively de-age punishment

6/25/2022 c1 wandamarie
good start to the story thank you please update the story when you get a chance to thank you
7/27/2021 c1 Guest
Haha, this is the lurking dragon premice but in the Harry Potter universe. Still, interesting!
9/9/2020 c1 Guest
Harry shouldn't be spanked but pls continue, I would like to see sexual things too. ;)
5/29/2020 c1 Michellecole
Come back . My favorite in whole world ... back in time !
Perfect time to come back and write because we are all sitting around . Would be good to get lost in a series again .
11/5/2019 c1 Guest
No way. Not at all. He was trying to save his friends and plus if you were in his position I think you would try to save them too.
3/11/2019 c1 Guest
This is very enjoyable, please write some more! :)
10/11/2018 c1 Natalie
More stories please as soon as possible please and make it fast please
9/25/2018 c1 grotesquely
as child as well as adult
1/7/2018 c1 XxAnnaJxX
Please continue this story!
8/24/2017 c1 genspankingfics
Good start. Continue! It sounds like you have two stories here. You should write another story or more about the prisoners' point of view. This story should focus on Harry. You can have prisoners dragged and spanked in this story, but only from Harry's point of view with it happening alongside his ordeal.

Harry should be dragged to 16, and spanked for what he did that year. Then dragged to 15 and spanked, then 14, and so on. Special guest spankers should be allowed to punish him for what he did involving them. For example, Snaps can spank for the pensieve incident, Molly and Arthur for the flying car. Remus for the full moon. Hooch for the first year broom incident. Hermione and Ron can be dragged just to be punished for the troll incident alongside Harry to show their support.
6/4/2017 c1 25Miriam1
There are several interesting ideas floating around.

The problem is: what goal do you have in mind? While I don't object to spanking on general principle, gratuitous hitting does nothing.

If you want to follow Harry de-aged, that can be interesting. If you want Death Eaters de-aged, you have a few things to consider. Would your goal be to raise the children right this time? Or would the goal be to punish them, making them helpless, and somehow satisfy the characters?

It would be interesting to see who you would give a de-aged Death Eater to, and see how to raise that person as a decent human being. A free for all "let's all smack a de-aged Death Eater" would NOT be interesting to me.

You have a few good ideas. I would be interested to see how you follow up.

2/3/2017 c1 Twilightsowl
Oh I love the start and would love to see it continue, Harry de aged would be good for him to have a normal loving childhood. Please continue the story.
9/8/2016 c1 lilyflower101
That's a good idea except for spankiung them every week. That'll just make hem worse. They should be punished once right after they're deaged. Then afterwards only when they've done something to deserve to be punished.
7/23/2016 c1 blackwolf3991
when are you going to continue with this story I like the beginning of ot
4/22/2016 c1 MaybirdGreen
Yes yes yes! Continue please!
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