Just In
for Blood Vampire

10/22/2020 c3 dylandavisusa
Love this story need to update soon as possible also can he use the saw cleaver next chapter.
7/7/2020 c3 Steven
Hope you make mote chapters becouse this story is interesting
5/14/2020 c3 Guest
This seems really good please make more chapters
9/17/2019 c3 Guest
this was an absolute garbage tier chapter.
All hunter weapons can maim and kill gods, one of the better ones not even damaging the skin of an orc? Fuck off.
6/10/2019 c3 Apple424
This is awesome can’t wait for the next chapter
3/27/2019 c3 Guest
If caydw got a beast blood transfusion, and moka drank his blood, why is she not affected by she beast blood?
12/10/2018 c3 5Nykona Sharrowkyn
Your British level is top notch, mate.
A compliment from an Asian.
4/7/2018 c1 14The pen or The sword
The point of taking the good hunter is to have a character that is broken beyond compare...What is the point of having this character in yarhnam if he's going to be sane, non blood addled and basically acting like a regular teen who only occasionally wants to violently murder the students around him. This story could be done well but this story suffers from an ailment I see in many crossovers.

You stripped your character of what makes him unique, he could literally be anyone.
1/24/2018 c3 Ph0enix17
2/17/2017 c3 An Old Crow
8/5/2016 c1 Fireheadz506
Im enjoying this story, but please update but don't rush because someone asks.
7/7/2016 c3 22edboy4926
Good chapter
Keep on going
7/7/2016 c2 edboy4926
Good chapter
7/7/2016 c1 edboy4926
Interesting intro
5/9/2016 c1 dspendragon125
Hehe, I see trouble on the horizon.
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