Just In
for The Crimson Speedster

9/8 c21 Guest
Could you do a fan fiction series on law and order from the original law in order from 1990 to the one today. Like a person from our world s friendly find themselves in the world of Law and order. Could you do a book series on that? It'll be interesting to see and read.
9/2 c21 niideadequenombremecoloco
Amazing chapter. Loved to see that Naruto is back with The Nine!
I also love that you are taking your time with the harem, considering it is not a normal thing here
9/2 c21 fallendemon248
Very good chapter and love that you set up black lightning for the future, can't wait for more multiverse adventures
8/31 c21 Guest
glad things are going well for Naruto's expansion efforts
9/1 c21 xXwolfsterXx644
Amazing chapter dude definitely Can't wait for the next update
8/31 c21 13Power of Magic
Here's hoping that Naruto and Jiraiya will get more info about the Nine, along with who the main leaders are and who's working for/with them. I wonder if Black Lightning will join the Justice League and if Anissa already has her powers at this point. Glad that Naruto and the others went to visit Kara and that they were able to help her and Superman against some of Superman's villains, now they need to stop what is obviously a clone of Supergirl
8/31 c21 superpierce
great chapter worth the wait as always.
8/31 c21 Alexander4443
Great chapter
8/31 c21 8Jebest4781
Nice chapter to be done here. Keep up the good work with how it is as usual.
8/31 c21 4ElementalDrift
Isn't our black lightning from another earth or something?
8/30 c21 Samuel Santillan
I loved it, good chapter.

It was very good, I especially loved that the team met Kara and her sister and that they also began a journey through the multiverse.

Thanks for uploading a new chapter.
8/30 c21 3RonaldM40196867
Go fast!
8/6 c20 Savageverse
Ok you have a major issue besides it being too long, you need to break up the giant walls of text into multiple paragraphs and you can't start a sentence with and
8/1 c20 4ElementalDrift
I hope chapter 22 is the time we see Thawne again.
7/7 c20 1Randomguy0110100100110
Multiversal travel why though isn't that kinda to much
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