Just In
for 31 Days of Winter

7/26/2023 c17 Guest
This was beautiful!
6/9/2023 c16 Nezukozenestiu
bro was flabbergasted
11/17/2021 c21 Dhaniel Grayson
I really enjoy your story, and i like it when you make the one shoot not in its original order. Love it so much, thank you for updating, and i hope you'll finished it soon (no rush tho-) lots of love from mee
11/3/2021 c21 Guest
The stories just keep getting better and better I hope you keep it up
7/21/2021 c20 4Jaden 'Birdie' Blythe
Geez! This collection has me testing up continuously! Hope so good at this pairing.
12/20/2020 c4 LittleCrybaby13
this is so sweet. and draco is so distraced it's funny
10/22/2020 c1 1PrincessMagic
7/25/2020 c6 Guest
I love this one !
7/7/2020 c21 2homestyler
I’ve really enjoyed this story. I’m reading through all your other femHarry/Draco stories and I absolutely love them! Great work!
5/14/2020 c14 HeavyShoegaze
It's not winter anymore, but I hope you keep writing this. It's great!
5/1/2020 c21 16Theodora Snowbird
Thank you for the birthday gift! Draco's so triggered by the cousin issue when all purebloods are interrelated, according to Sirius. ;) I'd like to see how this family dinner would go! Poor oblivious Lily. I'm sure her brothers must be laughing at her expense. It must be hard being the only girl out of four kids.
I know you aren't back, but it was really nice to read from you again! I'll return the favor and post Anonymous soon! So far, the chapter's almost triple the length I usually write.
Great chapter! I hope you're able to write more soon!
5/1/2020 c21 Guest
Lovely to read an update. What a long time. Enjoyed it , as always.
5/1/2020 c21 2myriadofrainbows
Didn’t really expect to see an update for this story but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. Hope you stay safe and sane in the trying times that we are going through too. Looking forward to whenever your next update is!
5/1/2020 c21 1GiuliaZe
Interesting one shot! the problem of the Lily and Teddy's illicit romance written from Draco's pov, a pureblood wizard who should be used to close relatives marriages, is as truthful as karma worthy as even. That he is the one opposed to the relationship instead of Harry, a witch who grew up knowing the dangers of incest, speaks a lot of his growing up as a person and as husband. Lovely to see despite everything how he would give his approvation to the relationship for his daughter's happiness... once he accepts that his baby girl has grown up!
4/30/2020 c21 test
Not the story I expected you to update next (please update noteworthy boredom!) but I’m happy for an update anyway. Hoping you are safe too.
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