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for Those Who Were Seen Dancing

6h c1 arianamax177
Your story "Those Who Were Seen Dancing" has the power to captivate, let’s bring it to life!

As a commissioned artist with 4 years of experience, I specialize in turning stories into dynamic visuals, whether it’s a graphic novel, action-packed manga, or a beautifully illustrated webcomic.

Let’s create something unforgettable!
DM me on Discord: f4coso4005 or ask for my socials to see my work.
11/15/2024 c5 Anon
Just stumbled across this and just wanted to say I absolutely loved it. If your muse for it should ever happen to return I’d love to read more! Thank you for the read.
3/9/2021 c5 9pattie mayonnaise
WHAAT WE CAN'T END THE CHAPTER THERE! Haha. I'm having SO much fun reading this. Seto x Anzu is one of my favorite ships and you've written their characters so well, while making it still playful. I like how you've written the interactions between them after not seeing each other for a long time. They're not too warm yet but not too hostile, and I see the seeds you're planting that'll lead to them getting closer and I'm here for it. I LOVE seeing that sort of antagonistic relationship slowly change as the characters grow. I know it can be a lot to manage updating a fic with the million other things in life you have to do, but if you're still motivated, I'd love to see more!
4/27/2020 c5 8Keepitsecret19
I know it’s been awhile but I hope you update! This is very good!
1/14/2019 c5 BlueFairy10
I really like this story so far! I know it’s been awhile since you last updated but I would love it if you continued this story again! It’s really good and scenarios you come up with to have them meet are really amusing, and you left off on quite the cliff hanger!
I also like how you characterize Anzu to try to be more daring and unpredictable (I can also relate with wanting change to be that way so I can relate to her in this). I’m really looking forward to Kaiba’s reaction in the next chapter! Hope that you update soon!
12/12/2018 c5 Guest
Hello! This is so good. Please continueee!
12/11/2018 c5 Guest
Aaaaah this is a great fic! I love it!
5/10/2018 c5 10MadeInJapan87
please continue
From Chile
12/5/2017 c5 4stalactice
I've been sifting through the pile of Kaiba/Anzu fics on here and on other fic sites, and I have to say this has easily been my favorite. It's so hard to find fics where both Kaiba and Anzu are both in character and you've managed that seamlessly. I adore your OCs, too! It's nice seeing how Anzu interacts with them compared to the 'usual' gang of the Yugioh world. This is such a great start. Looking forward to seeing more from you!
5/25/2017 c5 5animechick999
So, I just read all 5 chapters in one go, so this will kind of be a round-up review for all of them.

First off, I LOVE this story. It's great to see other azureshippers out there. Second, I'm happy with the way you began this story. I was expecting Anzu to be at the ball with Kaiba but instead you gave it a twist. I loved how you rolled into the next chapter and made the meeting between Kaiba and Anzu very awkward. It made their actions and relationship feel real yet not too unalluring. Third, I ADORE Mokuba in this and the way you wrote him. I'm so happy you didn't classify him as a 'lets pair up my brother with a girl' type of character and gave him the characterization he deserves. My favorite line was: "so, I heard you danced with the devil?" I laughed out loud and totally felt the reality of Anzu and Mokuba's conversation. It was extremely organic and felt real.

Lastly, the drunken Anzu and Kaiba scene. Wow! I loved it and appreciate the fact that you let Anzu try to loosen up Kaiba. That was great. And leaving the chapter at a cliffhanger, damn!

Overall, I love this story and seriously cannot wait for the next chapter!
5/17/2017 c5 lala
Love this ! It's exceptionally well written:) can't wait to read more soon !
5/14/2017 c5 Anonreader
I really really like what I've read so far, and hope to read more soon!
5/14/2017 c5 Guest
This is a very interesting and well written story! I'd love to read more soon!
5/15/2017 c5 1xSapphirexRosesxFanx
ANZUxSETO forever
5/12/2017 c5 Guest
Ooh baby haha anzu kissed seto _ haha his reaction will be priceless! update soon please
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