Just In
for Lady Alina Fitzwilliam

3/28/2019 c17 3EolClowRidlley
I like it.
I hope that you keep it up.

2/25/2019 c17 Guest
Update soon please
I love this history
1/13/2019 c17 ryu akai
I love this history! I really love Lady Alina's character!
More darcyxalina please!
10/9/2018 c17 liysyl
What an awesome twist I really love Lady Alina's character. Thanks for sharing your story and I am looking forward to future chapters. BTW I tried to find your book Twenty-two online, but was unsuccessful.
9/8/2018 c17 Guest
Update soon pLeaSe!
7/14/2018 c17 HeartFlores
Dear Mango,
I couldn't believe that your last update was a year ago when it came to chapter 16. I hope to see the story continue.
7/14/2018 c16 HeartFlores
Dear Mango,
I hope something inspires you to write again. I'm afraid that I might not be that inspiration because like Richard I'm not eloquent in written or spoken words such is the world I guess. That is why I've never written my own fanfiction or original story I end up caught in the details and research and even if I just want to make a pure fiction fantasy la la land thing I can't because I might be able to see the whole story unfold in my head I can't type it. Sorry off topic. I love the story so far.
I can't help it, "It was Dr. Landry in the study with a candelabra!"
On to the next chapter.
7/14/2018 c15 HeartFlores
I'm almost to chapter 17 and it is the last update. I want to cry, not only because I feel so bad for Richard that he will forever be haunted by the memories of war but because I don't know when you'll upload again. By any chance would you consider writing a Colonel Brandon and OC story I never liked that he ended up with Marianne but maybe it was because I saw the mini-series instead of reading the book.
7/14/2018 c14 HeartFlores
Dear Mango,
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A thousand times thank you. I love little Mary and I do hope she writes to Alina or maybe Lizzy will discover the address. I think I can speculate about the letters but I rather not. They're going to come back to bite Darcy because he didn't get rid of them and Aline was hurt and woozy at the moment to burn them right. Oh, I hope it happens for Charlotte and Robert.
7/14/2018 c13 HeartFlores
Dear Mango,
I hope Alina can make friends with Mary and teach her that Fordyce’s Sermons are not worth her time. I've always found it sad that Mary had no one. Lizzy had Jane and Lydia had Kitty and Mary had to settle by having Fordyce's Sermons. I've always liked Mary and Kitty fanfiction where they can be friends and we can see them bloom not overshadowed by their sisters. Thank you so much I've been enjoying this story so much.
7/14/2018 c12 HeartFlores
Oh no, that's what I feared. She is growing up and complications of the heart are happening. I guess Lord Wentworth was her first crush and he broke her heart on the same day as she was starting to understand her feelings.
I love your story I hope you keep going.
7/14/2018 c11 HeartFlores
OMG. I just got it. Is that why Old Mr. Darcy was giving Wickham a living at krympton. I was thinking about what he said a few chapters back but it makes sense even in the original storyline. Normally a living would be for the second son.
7/13/2018 c10 HeartFlores
I can't believe you only got two reviews for the last chapter. My goodness, I love your story. I made an account to leave messages although I could have just left anonymous ones. I have a habit of starting reading stories, manga, or even tv shows that are not finished and then finding out that they might never finish but I never regret them because I find great stories. So I hope you get many many reviews so you are inspired to finish the story someday.
7/13/2018 c9 HeartFlores
I bearly found this today I'm already at chapter 10. Thank you so much. I love your story. I hope you have many reviews to come so you will be inspired to keep writing.
6/9/2018 c17 PotterGuest
I just found this story and I love it! I love the character of Alina and while I usually would not be a fan of anything other than Darcy/Elizabeth you have written this in a way that I would actually welcome him being with Alina! (Even though it seems like Darcy and Elizabeth will end up together :) I'm excited to see where this story goes and to read more about Alina. Looking forward to the next update!
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