Just In
for Lady Alina Fitzwilliam

4/6/2016 c11 Guest
Really it's wonderful... How I love the pair of Mr Darcy and Lady Alina ! Pls even if u include Elizabeth pls make her for somebody else perhaps cousin Richard bht pls leave Darcy with Alina together! There is a fresh change which is very much exciting! The way u r showing them doesn't indicate fraternal affection its something else...Father's eyes is not blind lol !
4/5/2016 c11 8CaptainAmericanna
The Alina/Darcy ship has sailed full speed ahead! Can't wait until the next chapter!
4/2/2016 c11 1MakingMarauderMischief
Oh man, you cannot believe how happy I was to see that these were missing scenes... I always wondered about the relationship between Wickham and Darcy. Everyone portrays it differently. It was nice to see that you had Darcy be a little jealous of Wickham, because as much as I believe that Darcy is a good guy, I don't think he is a saint. ;)
Also I don't think I could have stopped my eyes from widening in horror at the mention of a marriage contract between Darcy and Alina. It almost feels like incest :( :( :( Bit I imagine Georgie will be all enthusiastic about it.
Oh if this is Alina's childhood, I can't imagine how much fun her teenage years would be. :D Especially the late years. Hehehee
Anyways it was amazing to read and you've got me at the edge of the chair waiting for the next update. Post it soon. :D :)
4/2/2016 c11 1purple sky always
Great chapter. If Darcy marries Alina, poor Lizzy will be all alone
4/1/2016 c11 Guest
I love the character you've created!
4/1/2016 c11 Pollita-crr
Hello, I love Alina and her story my name is Cynthia (Pollita is a way of telling me girl and CRR are my initials of my name)
4/1/2016 c9 cuinwen
You worked Alina's age in without drawing attention to doing so, which is good. I had feared you would have to do this in a repetitive manner since she keeps getting older.
3/31/2016 c10 LovePP
I'm enjoying your story of Lady Alina very much. She sounds like an unconventional young lady so I'm looking forward to learning more about her. Thank you for writing and sharing with us. We do appreciate you could be doing other things but choose to share your story with us. For that, I thank you.
3/30/2016 c11 8CaptainAmericanna
Loved seeing Richard and Darcy interact, also Nikulas seems like a very interesting character! Can't wait until the next chapter, and even more so the next time Darcy and Alina meet! 3
3/24/2016 c10 Megzy
I like how you've shown Alima maturing and taking responsibility. I hope you don't jump too far into the future with your next chapter. I want to see more of how Darcy and Alina's relationship progresses in this time of his life. I also much prefer this chapter style to those of just letters although I do enjoy those as well. Thank you for this update and I look forward to the next one. Happy Easter!
3/23/2016 c10 team.k.putt
I'm a little lost with the ages here... Darcy is 23, Alina 15 and Georgie 11? It's just that Alina seems to have grown so much in maturity all of a sudden and Geogie seems a little child, younger perhaps, I don't know. I mean she's lost the only parent she had left so...But it just feels that way to me. And please, tell me there's nothing between Alina and Darcy, I know they can marry even though they're cousins but I like the fraternal bond, just fraternal. All in all, I've liked your writing in this chapter a lot, please keep posting!
3/23/2016 c10 coffeebookchiller
I love this story! I'm all on board for Alina/Fitzwilliam and eternal love excited where you will go with them !
3/23/2016 c10 EngLitLover
Was wondering the same Alina seems tailor made for Darcy. And she seems to be a version of Elizabeth anyway.
3/23/2016 c10 susanvegas
I'm enjoying our story very much.
3/23/2016 c1 Pollita-crr
I love Lady Alina, I love his story, I was very sorry this chapter
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