Just In
for Lady Alina Fitzwilliam

12/8/2024 c14 Joan G. Brand
Yes, Mary was made pretty, and Alina encouraged her to read something exciting. Definitely didn't see Robert and Charlotte.
12/8/2024 c13 Joan G. Brand
And this after Robert told Alina not to speak to anyone.
12/8/2024 c12 Joan G. Brand
Lord Wentworth is a cad. Alina has learned her lesson.
12/8/2024 c11 Joan G. Brand
What was in the letters that Darcy had Alina destroy?
12/8/2024 c10 Joan G. Brand
Alina comforts Darcy, but I don't think that they fall in love.
12/8/2024 c9 Joan G. Brand
What role does Jason play? Too bad about Darcy's father!
12/8/2024 c8 Joan G. Brand
Alina's existence kept Robert from coming home.
12/8/2024 c7 Joan G. Brand
Lovely conversation between friends. Things are easier when you ask someone for advice
12/8/2024 c6 Joan G. Brand
I kept waiting for the earl to hurl Lady Catherine down the stairs. Darcy was kind to Alina. Why was Lady Catherine roaming about?
12/8/2024 c5 Joan G. Brand
What is in Darcy Sr.'s past that requires him to put up with Wickham?
12/8/2024 c4 Joan G. Brand
Alina is an interesting young woman. She has inspired Georgina before she ever meets Elizabeth.
12/8/2024 c3 Joan G. Brand
Thrilled Wickham got busted up by Darcy. It was long overdue!
12/8/2024 c2 Joan G. Brand
Richard, like Darcy, has always been his own man.
12/8/2024 c1 Joan G. Brand
Oh, how funny! What is the name of her beloved friend, and why did Lord Canterbury throw her out?
11/11/2024 c29 Wyndwhyspyr
What a tangled mess
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