Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

1/30/2024 c7 Guest
You make Very long chapters
11/30/2023 c1 Guest
Please update this it's good bit getting a little pived your not touching this one
7/8/2023 c4 Binge Reader
Considering this is your first work, I can understand it completely, but I have to say, it's cliche and cringey AF. A farcry from your later works.
2/4/2023 c11 todraw
Great story wish you would finish it.
10/25/2022 c11 Sergio Arboleda
The history is GOOD and the bad because I will never know if it will continue or if it will end
10/17/2022 c2 lRayzerl
Forced, weird and confusing chapter 1ch was way better
9/29/2022 c11 reptoholic
9/29/2022 c10 reptoholic
Love it
9/29/2022 c9 reptoholic
Hope he gets them both
9/29/2022 c8 reptoholic
9/29/2022 c7 reptoholic
She figured it out ?
9/29/2022 c6 reptoholic
9/29/2022 c5 reptoholic
Better be harem or one cousin will be crushed
9/29/2022 c4 reptoholic
Keep it up
9/29/2022 c3 reptoholic
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