Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

9/29/2016 c10 Thorngal
Wow, love this story!
I was fortunately to read all 10 chapters at once and it takes you on a wild ride.

So please continue this story, we're all looking for what's coming next :-)
9/29/2016 c1 Guest
9/28/2016 c10 Crossxx
A grate story can't wait for more
9/18/2016 c10 Guest
9/15/2016 c10 Steel
Next chapter please
9/12/2016 c10 3DNA2337
Next chapter
9/10/2016 c10 Guest
Please tell me Ikumi is in the harem for Flowers of the Flame
8/31/2016 c10 Pancake Fury
Uppppdddaaattteeee plllzzzzz
8/30/2016 c10 Guest
Update this shit my man
8/18/2016 c10 6Uchiha Natsu
Aww cmonn it was starting to get really exciting too ;( hope u update soon...even tho its been months now :.(
8/3/2016 c10 Red
Seems interesting, definitely not a concept I've see used in this fandom before. Hope you update soon!
7/31/2016 c10 Guest
When's the next champter coming out
7/17/2016 c10 RinkatokikedokiariFutureShido
love it
7/16/2016 c10 Argelio01
Yeah, I did liked it, this one and the eighth one, but I would like to see the end be AlicexSouma PLEASEE! I beg you! (It's over used SoumaxErina or SoumaxMegumi)
7/11/2016 c1 Fallen Swan
Saw on your profile that you were on hiatus until July 2. Now that it has passed do you intend to continue this story? If so I am really looking forward to it!
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