Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

7/5/2016 c10 Azuwia
when are you going to update again?
7/4/2016 c10 Guest
man i love you story cant wait for more
7/3/2016 c4 GioMM
Are all the protagonist in this fic mentally retarded? Or is it just a fic to use as fap material or something?

It's impossible that they remember nothing, even after a few years, like the fact that her old was also called "The God Tonge"... Also looks like your oversexualised version of Soma is the only good looking man in that universe in the eyes of everyone. Or that Alice isn't the only albino girl he met in his life. Anyways, I could continue this rant forever, but watching some hentai about SnS makes more sense instead of continuing reading this.
6/16/2016 c10 2Chaosweaver13
can't wait for the next chapter _
6/16/2016 c10 Rionline
Great chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up your great work...
6/13/2016 c10 Guest
I truly wish that Alice will share Soma and not end up break up or dead or rape or etc. Just wish them to be a very happy threesome couple and sexually active if I might add.. Ohh with epilogue that they have plenty of kids
6/13/2016 c10 TheBlazingDragon
Please continue, I really like the plot. Please post the next chapter. Don't go into eternal hiatus. Ohh, could you just go with Alice share soma with Erina and more intense lemon. I'm so thank you bcuz you made someone's day a lot better with this story. But that plot twist really got me there..
6/13/2016 c10 XD
WHAT DOES THAT LAST SENTENCE ALICE SAID MEAN!? (BETTER NOT BE A PLAN TO BREAK UP WITH SOUMA AND HOOK HIM UP WITH HER COUSIN!...PLEASE JUST NO) Anyway great writing! I do appreciate that you made Alice very cute and lovable but please don't break my heart by making Souma end up with Erina I really like their relationship right now. This fanfic made me want more and its your fault that i have become so greedy T_T ALLICEXSOUMA 4ever 3
6/10/2016 c10 godess bubbles
Tell me they will share him!Please update soon!I love this story!Though I am a little sad that Souma didn't get to save Megumi from expulsion and have that mini battle with Takumi..Update soon!
6/7/2016 c10 schmidbauerflo
I red all chapters at once and till now i realy enjoied the expirienc your storry offered.I am prity exited for the next chapter. PS: If you want to make two endings I would rater see 3 endings 1 S/A 1 S/E and 1 S/A/E but for me theS/A/E ending would be enouth
6/3/2016 c10 1InfernoKing
I absolutely love this story and the detail you put into it! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
6/2/2016 c10 Guest
Next chapter please...this storyis so fantastic
5/27/2016 c10 Cyrusdossou
great story
5/26/2016 c9 Undertheskys
Sorry previous comment was for chapter 11 not chapter one. I cant wait till your next update. The story is getting really good
5/26/2016 c10 Undertheskys
I cant wait till next chapter.
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