Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

1/3/2016 c5 2hoibastos
your story is great, I love reading it. can't wait for the next chapter...
1/3/2016 c5 strikefreedom20a
great job. keep it up
1/2/2016 c5 Yami Arashi
This is getting more exciting! I love it Please update soon!
I'm not really good with grammar and shit so I cannot do a good review.
I'm really interested where the story will go! Hopefully Souma's cooking is much better than the cannon lol...anyway goodluck and happy new year! thx for updating
1/2/2016 c5 Guest
1/2/2016 c5 4VengefulMANonMission
Looks like Alice found out. But is Erina too stuck up to remember?
1/2/2016 c5 KitamiAru
Yes, yes you should write a harem. :P
Your writing is good with little errors here and there but don't worry, they aren't that noticeable when readers are caught up with the storyline. Good job, keep it up
1/2/2016 c5 Tru3Ph03niX
Huh megumi is quite bold in this.
I vote for MeguRyo pair in this story if she not with Soma
1/2/2016 c5 1TheBaka14
Thanks for the update and damn is Alice going to do some smack talk?
1/2/2016 c5 7Eramis8
Why must poor Megumi suffer for being one of the people that Souma knows? I swear it shows up everywhere.
1/2/2016 c5 ChaosOmega8
Souma is such a womanizer. Just being there makes other girls go crazy. And the best part is, it suits him so well. Damn it has been a long time since we had a badass protagonist like him.

BTW Happy New year(if I missed it before) and Good luck with the next chapter.
1/2/2016 c5 treeofsakuras
Great chapter, cant wait to see what alice will do to megumi. Xd
Id really like to see a SnS somaxharem story xd
1/2/2016 c4 strikefreedom20a
great story please update soon
1/1/2016 c4 4VengefulMANonMission
update quickly!
1/1/2016 c4 strikefreedom20a
great story please update soon
1/1/2016 c2 1Hinate
Sorina Forever...
Man tht sent thrills to my body it was really op ahh my heart is still beating crazy i love it... dou ofc i love Sorina only hopefully it'll go tht way i cant wait...
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