Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

1/1/2016 c4 1LightningDestroyer
Daaaamn, ok, interesting idea, nice setup, good ejecutation, pace fast but not so fast, until now, i don't have any major drawback with this one.

Looking forward to more!


A suggestion, when u put a Character thought isn't more distinctive put the text in Cursive?

I read until this chapter, 2 times (First in the phone lol) and i really misunderstud 2 dialogues, i was getting that X character was saying something but it was only thinking it...
1/1/2016 c4 3Mr. Mrs. MDF
To include the cousins in this fanfiction is an excellent choice. Interesting story line so far. Hoping for more interactive moments between the three. Thanks for your hardwork and looking forward to the next chapter.
1/1/2016 c4 Jin
Awesome, keep up the good work :D
12/31/2015 c4 psychominer
nice story looking forward to the next chapter
12/31/2015 c4 2hoibastos
love ur story, happy new year
12/31/2015 c4 33Imperial-samaB
Not bad so far i cant wait to see whats next.
12/31/2015 c3 SushiSauceMaker
HAHAHA when u said not to google I opened a new tab and googled it
12/31/2015 c3 Citrus Scale
It's lime not lemon. Well, ALMOST borderline to lemon but still to far to be lemon. Check the Citrus Scale if you want to...
12/31/2015 c4 7Eramis8
Soma's day was a serious rollercoaster.
12/31/2015 c4 Kazzaaaaaaa
Nice. I'm really liking this. As far as I know, there's only 1 other story where it is about soma and Alice. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter.
12/30/2015 c4 my music is anime
Love the story so far! Hope you continue, but don't strain yourself. :)
12/30/2015 c4 8l Hypocrisy l
I loved it! So keep at it. Yes there are some issues with grammar and such, and some lines could be done better, but as you say, it's your first story! And you're doing a fine job. So Erina does not know completely yet but Alice does? Hhmmmm. I wonder how things will play out. And ahh, remember you do not have to follow the story of shokugeki. You can make it your own. A lot of stories here in the SNS follow the script to a T, and it can get somewhat repetitive reading the same things over and over. Keep being original while using the story as a guide! Well thats just my opinion anyways. See you in chapter 5.
12/30/2015 c4 Tenza-z
exelente como siempre mi amigo sigue a si saludos desde mexico
12/30/2015 c4 Guest
You have an incredible fast update time but please do maintain your quality sir~
12/30/2015 c4 ChaosOmega8
I say wait till 3 of them confess to eachother. (probably at the same time).

Imagine, Alice and Erina confessing at the same time while using Souma instead of a rope in a tug of war, Souma having no idea what the hell to do in that situation and maybe other characters in the back looking in complete shock (while Senzaemon and Joichirou Laughing their a**es of in the background at the result of their "plans")

Can't wait to see the next chapter good luck with it. Also By the time you read this its probably 1st of January sooooo... Happy New Year!
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