Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

12/28/2015 c2 Guest
You are doing pretty well so far. I think you have it similar to the original at first. You can do that by having the Nakiri's and Souma not remembering who the other is but have them get the feeling that they met somewhere. You can split with the original plot at the point where Alice's mom enters the plot by her remembering exactly who Souma is.
12/28/2015 c2 Swaer
I look forward for the next chapter, I really do wonder what will happen after the timeskip. Thanks for putting effort and writing this story.
12/28/2015 c2 KKona
Been waiting a long time for an erinaxsomaxalice fic
12/28/2015 c2 Fredgie
Loving it so far, keep up the good work brah.
12/28/2015 c1 sky00
Update again this fic is gold.
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