Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

10/14/2017 c11 EmpireReign
When's the next chapter coming ! Sooo Gooood
10/9/2017 c5 Billy
I actually wouldn't mind megumi joining the pairing. Also this was a pretty good chapter
9/7/2017 c10 13NPGamer11
one of the best chapters jet i really enjoyed this fanfic, it entartained me during lonly evennings
9/7/2017 c6 NPGamer11
one of the cheesiest, wonderfull and creative fanfictions i ever read
9/6/2017 c5 NPGamer11
Soma PETING sounds kinda creepy and aqward
9/6/2017 c2 NPGamer11
i love this fanfiction and that is not perverted from beginning it was a realy nice chapter and i enyojed it
8/11/2017 c11 Guest
when will chapter 12 come!? also good story pls join the fairy tail guild at clash royale there are many fairy tail guilds find the right one also if you join say respectful sent you good luck try to find the guild its located at guam and natsu is the guld leader.
8/8/2017 c11 15NinjaFang1331
I hope the next update comes soon.
8/8/2017 c11 Guest
Is there a season 3?
8/8/2017 c11 Zam-13
This is a really good story, can't wait for the next chapter!
8/2/2017 c11 Guest
please continue
7/24/2017 c11 1Shreebo
Alice deserves Souma more! #TeamAlice ( Though a giant orgy with Souma and every female in the school wouldnt be bad ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) )
7/23/2017 c1 anubis120k
An amazing story that I can not wait for you too finish!
7/22/2017 c11 Guest
This story is soooooo good! I loved soma saving erina but I can't believe it took her so long to recognize him. And the cat fight at the end was great! Soma is such a lady killer
7/21/2017 c11 Eradicator
So far I am enjoying this series! I am looking forward to future chapters. Well done.
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