Just In
for Nakiri's Desire

7/16/2017 c11 Guest
Just wanted to say i like your work. And wanted to ask you if you have any plans on continuing this series if you can call it that?
6/27/2017 c11 ethan.lukkar
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
6/19/2017 c11 6Dknight27
Good story, I'm team sorina in the manga but in your story Alice is perfect for Soma. This is will be an amazing girl's battle, poor Soma as he will try to survive his male classmate and enjoy the nakiris
6/1/2017 c3 11ENDDRAGON369
Dont you mean Lime.
6/1/2017 c11 Any0nymous
I want sorina lol
6/1/2017 c11 Skaky
Your story has a good base for your plot, however, it needs some more support. In the future, one of your chapters can reveal that Totsuki is holding a holiday, which gives the students a 1 week break. (I'm assuming that the time in your story is around November to December) At the beginning of the week, you could make Soma visit the Director, and having a chat. You could mention that in the past, Joichirou (Sorry if I'm not spelling his name right) asked Senzaemon to take care of his son. Therefore, Soma would be invited to live in the Nakiri household. What goes on from there can be your take of the story. This is completely just a suggestion, and you can choose if you want to do this or not. I wish you luck while creating your story!
5/26/2017 c11 hansgyver62
Update soon
5/13/2017 c2 1Snappy Flowah
Ah am de Grammar Polise! Ahy hav ah warant ob arest fo' da craym of rong gramar!


Seriously tho, you need a beta ASAP. The concept is amazing, but the grammar is discouraging for grammar nerds like me. I sincerely hope you can find someone to fix this thing, or maybe even do it yourself, its up to you. I just hope you use past tense paired with third POV, but that's just my personal preference tho, you can do whatevs you want, it's your story after all.

That's all I have so,
Ja ne,

5/9/2017 c6 2Kuronosa the World Wanderer
Leonara has got to be one of my favorite characters in SnS... If only she didn't speak in broken Japanese half the time...
5/4/2017 c3 1995hzq
Ohh, nice fic there. Like to see where this goes. On the third chapter to read the rest.
5/3/2017 c11 Guest
Saucy.. love it :D
5/1/2017 c11 2Asuka-Langley-040
really like next chapters
5/1/2017 c1 Guest
Thank u for updating it i was waiting for it since the last update thank u thank u thank u
5/1/2017 c11 Cyrusdossou
Damn that chapter made me laugh so much XD. It's great to see you back on this fic. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
4/29/2017 c11 1InfernoKing
You just gotta mark your territory Alice! You got this lol. Loved the chapter and can't wait for the next one! :)
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