Just In
for The Implications of Being a Glass Cannon

7/6/2016 c6 Dark Durian
Hmm? So by what Emerald said, it seems all Semblances are "The Gamer" and there are guilds setting up contracts for prospective members... Seems legit.
7/6/2016 c6 4Undeadhero143
6/25/2016 c5 lazyguy90
Nice work on this.

Keep at it.
6/18/2016 c5 Dark Durian
Welp, Jaune did quite well considering his past as a shut in, lol.
6/18/2016 c4 Dark Durian
Jaune gonna have to get good at dodging or else he'd better pray the 'game' has a checkpoint system or he'll be thoroughly boned.
6/18/2016 c3 Dark Durian
Well a quest complete and a new acquaintance made, hopefully he'll grind speech enough to be friends! Also, dungeon appearance ahoy! I wonder how well he'll without aura? Hope he doesn't die horribly (-)
6/18/2016 c2 Dark Durian
Finally a mission that fits his stat allocation! Hopefully Jaune knows how to dodge. If not he'll atleast gain a level in Con for enduring a beating.
6/17/2016 c1 Dark Durian
Well, it seems a new glass canon is born! Though, is this still a world with Grimm, cause if it isn't than investing so many (all) your stat points in attack seems redundant and really stupid, unless he plan on being a boxer, that'd be cool.
5/26/2016 c5 Otherguy14
I was fairly interested in this from the summary with the idea of Jaune becoming a glass cannon. The interactions and general writing is also very good too and it kept me reading. But the last little bit of this chapter has me really excited for what is coming in the future.

So judging by the end of this, Yang is also a Gamer. Based on her title, perhaps Qrow is also one? Which is interesting to consider. Wonder who else will get the Gamer abilities. Very exciting. I mean...I don't think I've seen or heard of a fanfiction where more than one person had the abilities, and you potentially have 3 right in the start.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon.
5/23/2016 c5 Wizard Of
(Can't be bothered to log in on mobile, so here we go.)
Awesome so far, especially this last chapter (5) although, I think the term Glass Cannon works, but seems to be confusing the other readers, for all intent as and purposes, this meaning of Glass Cannon seems to be an equivalent of a jungling assassin, but less sneaking.
5/21/2016 c5 7Teturo
Very evil to make the experienced gamer stumble into all of the commands and controls.

Adorable depiction of the red sugar rush hopefull for a continuing milk supply _~
5/16/2016 c5 AzureStorms
That second to last line slayed me. Oh man this is such a good story, I'm glad it's getting that much attention. Looking forward to more.
5/14/2016 c5 1Triforcedlink
I hope Jaune spends some time grinding out all of his stats and then putting his points into Attack. Agility will probably be the 2nd most important stat besides MP, after-all.

Grinding should be top priority, especially considering his stats are still piss-poor compared to mostly everyone around him.
5/14/2016 c5 zdeath01
hah jaune finally realized what the world involved
5/14/2016 c5 4Warhaler
Yay this is funny. No need for complicated plots or origins just Jaune being Jaun.
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