Just In
for The Silver Hunter

11/7/2024 c8 10Deltared52952
This version of Kronos surprisingly has some sense.
6/14/2024 c15 DracoKing30
really love this story can't wait for new chapters
6/8/2024 c14 IK
Amazing story but quick question, couldn't they just iris message Percy to tell them not to enter the casino?
3/15/2024 c8 Freestoryideas
Dont put the crazy stick in you?
2/28/2024 c15 FairyofProtection
Please continue this
2/28/2024 c1 FairyofProtection
Harley as in Harley Keener from Iron Man?
2/17/2024 c15 Tiggerfan
I found 1 of your stories. When I finished reading it, I decided to see if you wrote anything else. I am happy I did! This is a great story, and I can't wait to read more! Thank you for sharing your story and good luck writing the rest!
2/14/2024 c15 chriskidd2001
OMG it's been forever since an updated I'm glad to see one
2/14/2024 c15 redspartan492
I need more, this is such a good story
2/13/2024 c1 DL1323
Is the pairing Rachel?
1/29/2024 c15 177Firehedgehog
1/27/2024 c1 arata7kasuga
i hate guns but this seems rather entertaining:3
1/22/2024 c15 Wishfull-star
That was awesome I loved the chapter and I can't wait for whatever happens next stay safe:)
1/20/2024 c15 60Death Fury
Excellent chapter
1/20/2024 c15 lonesome silence
Yay new chapter thank you
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