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for Rule 5

4/24 c1 Guest
Alors effectivement Tony son départ nous a tous bouleversé il a voulu y aller pour tali dans la série tv bien que l'acteur a joué Bull il va revenir dans un spin off de NCIS
3/1/2022 c1 Cokeheller
Thank you for this story. I wish Gibbs would have admitted this on the show. I still don't understand why Gibbs was such a jerk to Tony.
8/16/2020 c1 Guest
Thank fuck he left. His character barely developed, apart from brief periods.
5/5/2019 c1 Hainbuche
das bringt es so ziemlich auf den punkt. lg hayne
8/2/2018 c1 siobhan.22
Great story
8/16/2017 c1 611Ghostwriter
I like it. Well done.
7/1/2017 c1 Guest
Why have you turned Tony into such a whiny toad?
6/25/2017 c1 laraquick
There comes a time to cut the cord and move on. I'm glad Tony (and Michael) finally did so.
1/21/2017 c1 182JackiLeigh
Thanks for writing this. I didn't like that 'awkwardness' between Tony and Gibbs either. And I truly, utterly, intensely hate how Michael exited the show. That whole story line of his departure made no sense to me. I would have been very happy if something like this had been the reason for his departure. Great story.
2/24/2016 c1 5combatcrazy
Interesting take on Michael leaving. I hope their exit for Tony is at least half as good as what you have done.
1/13/2016 c1 angelscatie
Great story
1/10/2016 c1 12The Original Geek
This is what I would like to see on the show - this is awesome. Unfortunately I suspect it won't happen.
1/10/2016 c1 Cassandra30
1/7/2016 c1 1NickTonyK
1/7/2016 c1 yiting86
Good chapter,maybe write more
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