Just In
for The Gentleman of Greenstoke

3/5/2016 c8 5mimi-chan and aliling-chan
Ohh I see, that's ok. This chapter...I felt like playing as Alfred for a minute there. Arthur's cute tsundere attitude when he denies his jealousy is what I really want to's cute.

Now I want to see a cute little moment between Arthur and Sakura there~
2/29/2016 c7 2Mely-Val
Roderich!...this is going to be very interesting lol
2/27/2016 c7 5mimi-chan and aliling-chan
After reading these few chapters I'm getting excited already~

Iggy is jealous, it'll be cuter if he denies like his usual tsundere self. Sakura's Judo Throw is really amazing, I was clapping back there! Oh yes, I have a picture of what seems to look like Victorian? AsaSaku pairing. If you like, you can use it for the cover image of this fanfic. I'll be more than willing to send it to you
2/27/2016 c6 1Robb T
This is a lovely story! :) I love what you're doing with the concept and putting a spin on it. Really made my day better, reading this. Made me laugh and I really enjoy this. Keep up the good work :3
2/24/2016 c6 Guest
Nice chapter! I like the scene Sakura being badass xD
2/18/2016 c5 12Umbrella-Kat
You are welcome, and I am so pleased that you are continuing this story! It was just recently that I discovered it, and it would be sad to see it discontinued... I cannot wait to see what you write next! I am a big sucker for historical fiction, so this one has me hooked!
2/10/2016 c5 Ame
I feel the need for your concern, but I believe that this is a scam. Several people have been talking about it recently and claim that its purpose was to exploit viruses.
1/31/2016 c3 Guest
Nice chapter :) Update, please?
1/28/2016 c2 Guest
Nice history, and the couple Arthur x Sakura is sooo cute.
1/23/2016 c2 Maiden0015
Nice chapter! :)
1/20/2016 c1 Maiden0015
I liked this history! Is very interesting! And I like historical scenario and Iggypan :D
1/19/2016 c1 Guest
New Asasaku history! Yey!
1/17/2016 c1 Pink Dolphin
This story seems very interesting! I'm not really a fan of the nyotalia characters, with nyo!Romano,nyo!USA and nyo!Japan being the exception. I really like the ship of EnglandxNyo!Japan, and I love PruHun as well
For the plot, I liked the idea of being based in the Victorian era, and the role you gave every character fits them pretty well.
The only thing is that I noticed a few grammatical mistakes,but I'm not a native English speaker so maybe I'm wrong,I'm not really sure about it.
Anyway I hope to see the next chapter soon!
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