Just In
for Acquittal

8/14/2019 c3 45jehc
I almost never read the sad stuff, this was very well done. The ending is really good.
5/15/2019 c4 keli
ok, good job with the sarcasm stuff.. and nice on the suspense with everyone thinking she died...
7/27/2018 c4 Guest
Neal should have at least died. Sorry not sorry I don't like the guy. Henry and Emma should have suffered more.
3/15/2018 c1 6Morganna Faye
This is so interesting, a shame I hadn't discovered it before. The whole story is built on a brilliant concept! And the ending was intensely satisfying. Thank you!
1/25/2018 c4 Guest
I hate to say this, but I hate the ending. Regina should have just gone back to Boston, left that little ingrate of a son and town. If you think about Regina was better off in Boston, she had people who didn't know her past. And she didn't have to live under the shadow of the townspeoples constant aggression and suspicion of her. I just like knowing that wrong or right the consequences of a persons actions is prevalent and withholding. Because Henry is a punky, spoiled brat that needs a reality check. And Emma just about gets everything she wants too. Sorry for the rant.
3/12/2016 c4 neweldi
Thanks, i like it :-)
1/30/2016 c3 Transylvanian
Good chapter. I look forward to reading more.
1/30/2016 c3 Guest
I understand the use on the story, but Emma could have gone back to when she accused Regina. It'd had been much more simple.
2/1/2016 c3 Katiarange
This is so cool, but I don't see Regina ever trusting Emma after what happen with Archie
1/31/2016 c3 7kneelinfrontofthequeen
That's just coooooool! Can't wait for the update, too bad it will be the last one(
Anyway, thanks for writing and please update soon)
1/20/2016 c2 Guest
Oh thank u christ (and writer)! u don't know how much of a relief that is for no major character death, in which i mesn Regina.
1/19/2016 c2 Guest
Yikes. Love it. 4 chapters? You could make it longer .. Maybe write a sequel. . I am loving it.
1/19/2016 c1 Transylvanian
Good chapter. I look forward to reading more.
1/18/2016 c1 Guest
So far so good! And Henry can suck a bag of dicks.
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