Just In
for Just Gone

10/4 c2 1210justinp
is MC Ellie?
9/30 c74 1IamwhoIwas
Im ready to kick Daryl’s ass and kiss Merle
9/30 c74 5Kaiya's Watergarden
I love it ans can't wait to see where this goes next. Keep it up!
9/30 c74 KEZZ 1
Wonderful chapter Thankyou
9/29 c74 srosegarden
Sometimes I think I know where your going with this, and Sometimes I don't- all I know, is I'm freaking out right now.

You are a great writer
9/29 c74 LeAnn388
You gotta stop making me cry every chapter. Another great one. I don't know why, but I love that it's Merle there.
9/28 c73 1IamwhoIwas
Daryl needs to come back to his baby now
9/20 c73 5Kaiya's Watergarden
Great chapter keep it up
9/20 c73 Lady Syndra
You must be having so much fun torturing us!

I'm sobbing away!
9/20 c73 KEZZ 1
Wonderful chapter Thankyou
9/13 c72 ChrisCage75
Okay this is interesting now I hope this is just not a way to end the story. But on the hopeful chance it's not and there's still much more to come I am curious if this is going to be slightly turning into a crossover with either Z Nation or Last of Us either would be interesting or this is going to be like Morgan in I believe Fear of The Walking Dead (I haven't watched a lot of the side series) and don't think I didn't forget if this is like one of those situations that throw away line about her being a universal donor I feel like that's going to come into a very important play in the future if she does become immune regardless though I'm happy for the new chapter and I hope we can see more maybe a bit more frequently if not still awesome
9/13 c72 Kaiya's Watergarden
Love it keep it up
9/13 c72 KEZZ 1
Wonderful chapter Thankyou
9/12 c72 Tony McNucklz
So what, she's ellie from Last of Us? Immune? or is this the end of the story?
5/29 c71 xXMoonlitSorrowsXx
Love this story! Hope you get the chance to continue!
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