Just In
for The Tracker's Soul

5/21/2020 c8 realawesome
This girl needs a wake up call Valentina ain’t shit!
7/23/2018 c8 Guest
I love your story...pls update...
7/10/2017 c1 inabellclo
love it so far can't wait for more
8/25/2016 c8 120Bad Ass Female Fighter
This is just suspenseful. Marcus is probably one of the most decent Volturi members in the vampire world.
7/9/2016 c5 1BarbarafromGR
What was up with the club?
7/4/2016 c8 4Stargazer1364
I knew her ex was gonna be bad, but I didn't think he'd be a fiend! (-。-)
7/4/2016 c7 10M1LK T3A
This was so EPIC!
7/4/2016 c6 M1LK T3A
Epic! I loved it!
6/27/2016 c7 hellraiserphoenix
Update soon please
6/23/2016 c7 SummerRuby
Lovely story so far! Hope you update soon
6/19/2016 c7 4Stargazer1364
Oh, I'm so glad that she didn't see Demetrj's face in her dream! That'd be really messed up! Do you think she'd blow it off because of her relationship with him?
6/19/2016 c7 37FlowerChild23
Holy cow! This is really good!
6/17/2016 c6 4Stargazer1364
Awwweeee! My heart can't take this! I'm so glad they are finally courting!
6/17/2016 c6 37FlowerChild23
wow. this is really good. she better hope she doesn't get pregnant and have a kid like Nessie. lol. that would be funny. papa demetri lol.
6/16/2016 c6 lightbabe
Looking forward to reading more.
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