Just In
for Gamers in the MulitverseWTF!

2/29/2024 c29 alejandrogab2472
This story is very dead, he is not coming back
9/6/2021 c29 Reader
Bro! Come back! We miss you!
6/28/2020 c26 gavinlinville
12/14/2018 c29 2John F Kennedy
Is this fic dead? Just wondering cause this is a good story.
3/10/2017 c28 2CapitalClassShip
And there Goes Humanity of Star Wars Universe those poor Folks Never Stood a Chance.
2/12/2017 c29 2hopelessromantic34
it's good to be back. let's see if I still remember this song and dance
2/11/2017 c29 LuBu081
huhuhuhuhu, yes, a quick update, much the opposite of mine...In fact, was it even my turn? Whatever.. Coincidentally, I'm working on my own book as well, alongside 60hr work weeks, electrician class four hours a week, working on my own ETJM story on this site, and writing the rest of the ETJM series out on paper in a detailed, summarized, bullet-style fashion.
Yes, I've been quite busy, Zahndrekh.
Please give me a fabulous war, one that will burn the entire galaxy before the winner is chosen.
2/4/2017 c28 2Masterix
Nice to see an update, after quite some time!

Time for me to get back on my own piece to this.
2/4/2017 c28 2hopelessromantic34
it seems that the war has once more arrived to wage war.
2/4/2017 c28 7Lord-of-Change
Crap, I had completely forgotten about this story. Oh well, back to work, I guess.
9/25/2016 c17 2CapitalClassShip
7/7/2016 c27 LuBu081
I've never heard of this source but it sounds interesting.
7/7/2016 c26 LuBu081
Alrighty then, this collaboration is about to explode. The fuse is lit and burning.
7/2/2016 c25 LuBu081
Yes, fret and panic and make your plans. Each plan you make is a hope that you can stop the coming Flood. Reveal each plan over time and watch as it is crushed beneath cold metal feet. Your existence is an ant bed, full of unseen activity, and I just dropped a rock right in the middle of it.
7/1/2016 c24 2hopelessromantic34
damn, now that's how you make an entrance
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