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1/28 c39 Guest Name
I mean it was a super interesting concept, but there's literally no reason for all this angst - Bella or the Denalis just need to ask the Cullens "WTF?" but aren't - so it feels like a very manufactured 'love triangle'. And it's being draaaaaaagged out for no reason. And for someone who thinks Bella's his mate, Edward is being super quiet after a token bit of yelling. I guess it works if you want to live in unending suspense without a reason? I gave it a solid go, but I'm done.
1/27 c2 andrewpine
Why have you not finished the rewrite yet ?
11/19/2024 c26 Alice Scarlett Knabel
this is well written but why are they letting her suffer when they could cure her easily
11/2/2024 c37 jlhdez1399
Ok, I know this version is somewhat discontinued and I've even already seen the new version on ao3, but I've run out of stories to read and these 204k words were calling to me.

And I really find myself in dire need of expressing that I've despaired quite a bit at how Bella has dealt with the return of the Cullens. I understand the backstory that the cancer has made her look at life peacefully and such, but seriously it seems so unfair to me how she so quickly put the Cullens on the same level as the Denali as if they deserve the same trustworthy treatment, I definitely think she should set clear boundaries for them. I mean, the first time Tanya went to her room at night, Bella was mentioning how she recognized the lack of respect for her privacy from the Cullens, and now that they come back and Rosalie literally reverts to that toxic pattern, she doesn't even mention it to her?

It doesn't seem to me that the Cullens are acknowledging those mistakes and acting to change them, I just feel like they are trying to "spoil" Bella more than the Denali and with the clear intention of "snatching" her away, and it seems obvious to me that the Debali would act possessively if Bella isn't doing anything to put a stop to them.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be the option of giving them the chance to rebuild their bonds, but I do find it desperate how she's handing herself to them on a silver platter without considering the Denali's feelings.

And I can't not mention Tanya, I mean, make her apologize to the man who has been actively denying his relationship with Bella and has very openly expressed that it's a fake thing?
A little more respect at least for being in Denali territory and even for them being older. And also more respect from Bella towards her relationship with Tanya.

Ok, I got everything out that I had stuck inside my heart hahaha.
Now I just want to tell you that this opinion was a desperate measure to express what your wonderful story has made me feel, and that it is in no way a criticism of you or your writing. Clearly you are the master of this and only you have the final word on how to go about developing it, and I honestly think you are very talented and addictive to read. And definitely no matter which way you choose to go with this work, you will have me here as your faithful reader to infinity and beyond.

I hope the universe allows you to come back here soon, I'll be anxiously waiting for you.
10/1/2024 c52 AngelaCA
8/20/2024 c41 Guest
Awww I was expecting an imprint on Irina x Leah ... BOOOO
8/20/2024 c40 Guest
SHE EXPLODE! FINALLY! but come on it's not fckn satisfactory enough. If it were me I'll just be indifferent and civil.
8/20/2024 c39 Guest
Poor Tanya, Kate kissed bella first and Rosalie saw her named first haha
8/20/2024 c38 Guest
Vamp bella getting jealous would be interesting
8/20/2024 c36 Guest
Uhmm come on INVASION OF FCKN PRIVACY?! I get that she's desperate and Bella is used to vamps popping on her room but come on! On the shower? A vamp with history of being not closed to you, glares at you and left you
8/19/2024 c6 Guest
8/7/2024 c45 Melted Anchovy
all that stress can't be good for her cancer. in a twisted way, the drama with the cullens& denalis may actually make it worse
8/7/2024 c40 Melted Anchovy
i wish she was angrier. I hope she gives them more smackdownssmackdowns like that
7/16/2024 c52 3luwee
let me know where you go. this has been my favorite bellatanya fic.
7/5/2024 c52 Tofu9162
I just binged this and love it! I see your end note and found you on AO3 and will look through your stuff on here too. I can’t wait to see the revised story!
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