Just In
for Scar on my Heart

9/7/2020 c2 violet lilaccs
if he could get a second mar why didnt zeref just wait for one TTOTT killing all out characters here hm
9/7/2020 c1 violet lilaccs
:0 rip mavis and kinana
XDD cant believe he wants to move in this early XDD
4/27/2020 c1 7NatsuxLucy4ever
I love this concept of having a soulmate when you're born. I find it really interesting, and I love the way you wrote the story! It would be cool if there was more, ya know, their dating life, future life... but it's really good XD
4/22/2017 c2 HinataHimeLove
This is a very interesting and fun story to read. I thought Natsu might complain about period pain too. Anyway please add more chapters to this ~
3/2/2017 c2 2PaintedBird1214
Oh my Mavis. That's quite the tale to tell. Poor Zeref and Mavis and Natsu and Natsu's mom and Igneel.
7/22/2016 c2 4MeowMix1100
This is really well written. I enjoy the idea of Soul Scars and such. Thanks for writing this!
7/20/2016 c2 jvrmei
This is really interesting! Hoping you would add how GaLe and Gruvia find each other. And maybe a triple date. I can't help but feel sorry for Zeref. I really like him and Mavis. Actually, this would be awesome if you make this in a series. Zeref would be a good villian here, targeting all the happy couples... and especially now that Natsu found his soul mate.
6/27/2016 c2 1SazHearT
Man that was emotional story...I have read stories of Nalu mentioning soulmates but this was something else, just wow...
I loved the concept of scars and it was sooo natsu and Lucy...
Story of Mavis and zeref was sooo sad...
I just love your writing...keep it up...
6/24/2016 c1 4T-tawny
That was great! Five stars!
6/22/2016 c2 Nova
I really like this story. Are you going to continue with it? (You could talk about how Natsu and Lucy's relationship progresses). You don't have to, and it is good to leave it the way it is. I was just wondering.
6/22/2016 c1 7ReinLighten97
Great story! I really like the sweet NaLu part you've made! I hope you will make a sequel about them. Really love it!
6/21/2016 c2 1Bacceiwrites
I love this fic!
One of my favorites from yours.
Awesome idea with the back story!
Do you have a planned schedule? Or is it just on a whim, kinda thing?
6/21/2016 c2 Piggypig213
that was sad. but the fact that they get a second chance if they soul mate dies made me happy! i think people change so much because they wait for the person who is supposed to make them so happy but when that person dies it's like all it lost. but getting a second chance probably helps a lot with dealing with it, they won't be able to assume that they will be alone forever. even though Zeref did that, i hope he meets Mavis when he dies and she can help him. i kind of understand why he did that, for someone like him it would probably drive him insane seeing all the happy people and then being alone.
5/6/2016 c1 Guest
This was cute. Why not go for a two-shot and have Lucy introduce Natsu to her parents and vice versa!
3/29/2016 c1 Mii
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