Just In
for Muggle hunting in America

9/20/2021 c1 Cassandra30
Totally true! Love it!
11/8/2018 c1 110Right What Is Wrong
An amusing take on the classic "modern Muggle weapons versus Death Eaters" plot. It's a nice change to see the hero be someone other than Harry.

Ah, if only.
3/12/2016 c1 1TimeyWimeyBadWolf
Haha! So funny!
2/17/2016 c1 7V. L. Crawford
LOVE IT! I really love the fact that it was a man from Indiana as that is my home.
2/4/2016 c1 Guest
Hilarious ;-D
2/3/2016 c1 katiek121
I love this!
2/3/2016 c1 gefan1
fantastic, too bad it wasn't longer

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