Just In
for RWBY Tail

2/15/2022 c50 1ShaxTheDemon
Can't wait for the next chapter. This is like one of the few NatsuxYang crossovers that has any substance.
11/20/2021 c50 4Monster King
11/20/2021 c50 2merendinoemiliano
Cool, but I hope it won't come to a civil war as in canon
10/2/2021 c4 10frostxd60
This review is my honest opinion as a third party.

Overall you have decent spelling and grammar.

A major issue I have with the story is the inclusion of teams rwby and jnpr to a lesser extent. That issue being you essential just copy and paste the show. Lumping in Natsu and the others.

You can have instances with the main cast interacting with him and his team. My issue is the story's main point and focus should be Natsu only. Also how little them being in the story matters to the end.

My critic, right or wrong just what I noticed.
9/20/2021 c2 Luxo11
Way too many crossovers. It kinda just kills it
8/3/2021 c40 Guest
Damn...I wasn't expecting that...poor Neo though. I feel kinda bad for her despite what she's already done so far.
7/24/2021 c49 6MajorBrony95
Glad to see a new chapter. I'm impressed with how you wrote this one, though I am a little disappointed that we never got to see Natsu and Yang at the club (a lot of stories like this seem to gloss over those parts to focus on the Ruby bit.) I'm planning on including that in my own fiction, JSPR (take a look and see what you think.) Meanwhile, the role switch for Ren and Nora with Ryuko and Virgil was intriguing. Can't wait to see what happens next. Also, good bit with the no blood on Penny's swords. Many miss that.
7/24/2021 c49 2merendinoemiliano
Nice dialouges
7/24/2021 c49 210Shadow Joestar
KO awesome chapter, the election didn’t go well for everyone and now things are getting intense even for the heroes though hopefully things will work out before it gets worse.
4/24/2021 c4 Buttermu
pacing is way to fast
4/24/2021 c48 6MajorBrony95
So glad to finally see another chapter! Everything seems to be going okay for the heroes, but we all know things aren't always what they seem . Kinda funny how Grey gave the crossing-guard job to Natsu . He'd DEFINITELY do that in here or in Fairy Tail. At least our fav Faunus has his girl for company. Though both he and our Spring Maiden are unsure of a few things after meeting Johanna and their talk with Winter. Plus, interesting choice of the two learning about Fria instead of Weiss. Wonder if they'll tell the others or not. I admit that keeping Fria locked up like that isn't too great. Keeping her safe sure, but that's not entirely what Ironwood has planned.

Take your time, but hope to see a new chapter eventually.

BTW, the fic I kept mentioning in comments here is finally up: "JSPR: Volume 1." Give it a look if and when you have the time .
4/24/2021 c48 210Shadow Joestar
KO awesome chapter, well at least Natsu and the others are doing well during their time in Atlas though there still some small intense and now they’ll have to deal with what’s going with the election.
4/24/2021 c48 2merendinoemiliano
Quite nice chapter
4/17/2021 c40 19twilightnite13
Is neo pulling a Loki? Or is she really dead?
4/17/2021 c31 twilightnite13
I can't believe you turned Satsuki into a.. typical high class bigot instead of siding with her family. This is a very interesting chapter by the way. please keep up the great work.
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