Just In
for Were-what!

8/7/2016 c1 HematiteTigereye
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY WOULD LIKE YOU TO CONTINUE THIS! PLEASE? WITH CHERRIES, BROWNIES AND RAINBOW SPARKLES? Seriously, this is a really interesting chapter, pplease update! You can't just write something like this to draw people in and then just abandon it! That is just cruel! She hasn't even met Sebastian yet! Or told us of the event 12 years ago! Or done any hinted shapeshifting! IF U ARE STUCK 4 IDEAS, READ HERE! Maybe that girl could finally succeed in publicly humiliating her, then she could maybe run away or something and pass out from the painful flashbacks, then wake up inn the office of Ciel Phantomhive! Maybe they could have some trouble communicating as modern english is so different from what it was back then. After some conversation, she could ask the year, learn it and pass out from shock. Onlhy to wake up in a bed with Sebastian beside her (on a chair? Or maybe she dragged him in while unconscious with superhuman strength that he could not pull away from? Hust throwing that out there.) ;) She could be employed as a tutor for Ciel, seeing her amazing school results. I am grinning just thinking of the possibilities of this stiry and where it is going to go! PLEASE UPDATE!
7/3/2016 c1 Guest
This story seems interesting, I do hope you continue.
6/10/2016 c1 Guest
This could be interesting if well written. Do update!
4/16/2016 c1 1Scribleyellow
I want to know more! Please update soon because I probably sounded like a whiny female dog when you read this
3/27/2016 c1 Lucinda Silver
I would like to see this story continue! To you, it might be short and it IS short, but at least you posted! That's the most important thing, as long as you tell us of you to abandon it or take it down or let someone adopt it or anything of that sort.

This might have few readers, but one day as you continue update, it will be more, with some editing, but it look great from what I've read so far. I would be really sad if this story will not be continued.

Please update when you felt you can. You can always do some editing when this story done or rewrite with additional details or such.

You shall have my favorite and devotion to this story!
2/7/2016 c1 2Misia0123
This isn't the full first chapter though! only the first part of it XP

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