7/8/2016 c1 7CocoJams
this was awesome. I love how Dean was ready to just let himself feel. I thought he would deny himself of this and Sam would sulk and whatnot till Dean makes up his mind. this was perfect!
this was awesome. I love how Dean was ready to just let himself feel. I thought he would deny himself of this and Sam would sulk and whatnot till Dean makes up his mind. this was perfect!
2/19/2016 c1 Guest
It's so funny because when you look back on an episode like that after reading stories like this I always wonder did I think they liked each other too much when I first started watching or did I start thinking that after I started reading.
But truthfully you captured what seemed to be the feelings in that room so well in that episode. So overall good job
It's so funny because when you look back on an episode like that after reading stories like this I always wonder did I think they liked each other too much when I first started watching or did I start thinking that after I started reading.
But truthfully you captured what seemed to be the feelings in that room so well in that episode. So overall good job