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2/18/2021 c1 5Thefallenjedi66
1/3/2021 c1 3RonaldM40196867
Good job.
7/26/2016 c1 1Not-a-Snake
Near the end of the first chapter Zuko speaks of killing his father, not specifically referring to him as Ozai, but Hua Refers to him as The Firelord implying that he is aware of Zuko's true identity, yet in the next line Zuko covers up his Freudian slip of referring to "my crew" as though still trying to maintain his secret identity despite Hua's earlier comment. I think that should be reworked for better clarity as to who knows what.
7/9/2016 c1 Guest
its not dead is it? the story i mean
3/23/2016 c1 10DocHoliday0316
I'm going to admit that I got here from your really detailed review for A Different Kind of Truth. And so far, this first chapter has impressed me and has also got me hooked.

I never thought that a Avatar and Metal Gear crossover could ever work, but you proved me wrong. And like the zogg said, writing revenge can be a really tricky thing (and in fan fiction, it's mainly used for juvenile power fantasies), but you've managed to make me feel sympathetic to Zuko and understand why he wants to get revenge. But I also like the old couple pointing out how revenge might not be worth it after all.

And I'm guessing that this story will have its analogues to Revolver Ocelot, Kaz, and Quiet. And Zuko will probably form his own equivalent of the Diamond Dogs?

Anyway, you have earned yourself your eighth favorite and follow, and I can't wait to read the next chapter.
3/19/2016 c1 2the Zogg
I'm a fan of The Infamous Man's and a reviewer and criticizer of his work and have seen your review To a Different Kind of Truth which impressed me. I checked your page and found this ball of potential.

I don't usually get into the Avatar fandom because both shows left me mostly satisfied and of how BIG it is. I was foolish enough to get into Naruto fanfiction when I was younger and it took me years to learn the ins and outs of the fanbases insanity. Now that I'm older I don't have time to comprehend fanfiction politics. I think I've only read a grand total of seven Avatar fics and it's been years since I've watched the source material but reading the first chapter I'm impressed.

Zuko's new outlook on life is both sympathetic and believable having lost everything he truly cared about he stops using honor to justify his actions but has replaced it with the new flaw of revenge.

Revenge is a VERY tricky trait to give a canon main character in fanfiction as it is almost always used to bash characters or for power and revenge fantasies. But the sheer pain of Zuko's narration and how quickly he's called out on the dangers of his new path and how it will probably not be worth it along with the powerful prose. He's motive also manages to be sympathetic and tie into canon. Zhao's glory hound attitude coast him his arm, his eye, his crew, and his beloved uncle, and most importantly Zhao would canonically do these things and Zuko's current character arc could make him seek revenge.

This isn't a juvenile revenge is cool story. I see it becoming something more.

But of course, there's the Metal Gear side which is what pulled me in. In my history on the Internet I've only found two good Metal Gear fics so I'm ready to try a crossover where someone plays Venom Snake. I honestly hope that Zuko doesn't add 'punished' to his alias, way too edgy, but I can see him taking up a 'Snake' alias and I hope he does.

I wonder if the crossover will effect Zhao? I honestly expected him to become the Man on Fire after his failure at the North Pole, but since he's on thin ice I can see him change into a more Metal Gear villain. Less smug and slimy, and more foreboding and grim to fit that he's desperate and at the end of his rope. No more screw ups allowed. So maybe he suffered facial damage and became Skullface.

I honestly hope that there will be more to the cross than Zuko channeling Venom Snake. Maybe gather an army of disillusioned soldiers from all nations into an army. Or the Fire Nation could unleash a specialized squad of super soldiers because they start taking Aaang and Zuko seriously.

I can see Ocelot, Vamp, Fortune, Fatboy, Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, Decoy Octopus, Python, Quiet, and all of the Cobra Unit as transferable to Avatar's setting with some modifications. Things need to be different and a powerful Rogues Gallery from the Metal Gear side can help with that.

But still, this first chapter seriously impressed me and I hope to enjoy the story and help it flourish with my reviews.
3/18/2016 c1 GoodUsernameBro
I'd like to see where this goes. You have an interesting idea, follow through and you could build a fanfiction to surpass metal gear.
3/17/2016 c1 Soirreb
This is the kind of stuff I like to see! I look forward to seeing how else you include and adapt the themes from the game, and to seeing how Zuko goes about getting his revenge!
3/15/2016 c1 2Caelleh
I'd love to read more. It's obvious you put a lot of time and effort into it, and for a first chapter, it's pretty great. It captures all the feeling of Venom Snake's birth and plops it neatly into the Avatar world. I like how the OCs try to point out the flaws in Zuko's thinking too. After all, in Metal Gear, Venom and the Big Boss's hate consumes them after they gain their revenge. They fall lashing out at the world and their enemies, and only through the loyalty of Big Boss's crew does he get revived and meets his fate with peace, while Venom dies alone in Outer Heaven. So, uh, I hope that doesn't happen to Zuko, and he manages to find peace before he is destroyed again.

That being said, if you guys go full Phantom Pain with Kaz, Ocelot, Quiet, and Diamond Dogs analogues, and go full Moby Dick, that would be pretty fun to read. I don't know how you'd do that though.

Anyway, thanks for writing. I look forward to seeing an update.
3/11/2016 c1 18Morality is a Spook
I sincerely hope Zuko won't join the Gaang. It would be nice of him to recruit his old soldiers into his own warband. Blue Spirit and the Azure Ghosts...It has a ring to it , doesn't it?
Keep writing and update soon!

Best wishes,
2/29/2016 c1 Blue Falcon
You got to keep this fic going it's great
3/2/2016 c1 Albhwa
love it. how come no one else thought of this? zuko really fits well into the big boss roll!
2/28/2016 c1 179EvaShinobiKaiserKnight
I like it I hope Zuko becomes Big Boss to the Avatar world's own version of Dimond Dogs and later Outer Heaven.
2/23/2016 c1 2Yungsun
Should be interesting it is so far

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