Just In
for Awakening (also discontinued)

5/24/2017 c6 14Silverleone
Not sure if it's a good thing you're really good at writing torture senarios... e.e Oh well! I still like it! Keep up the good work!

P.S. I really wanna steal your username. XD
5/24/2017 c1 Silverleone
I'll need to read more before casting judgement, but so far, so good!
5/24/2017 c6 2Lady-Stesonora
Absolutely? And don't worry, if your afraid you took so long to update, check out when my story Firestorm Of Perils was updated last. That's a long time ago. But, anyway.
Like it or not, I think this chapter was really sweet. Like really sweet. But I like it a lot. It comes across to me as a bit peaceful, and just calm you know. The swearing of Sam's part aside. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do. So I really enjoyed it, and I hope you update soon!
1/25/2017 c5 Lady-Stesonora
I see why you like this chapter. It's great! It's really good how you are giving Tessa a bigger role. She was down right pathetic in the movie, simply there to be the damsel in distress. But poor Sam. Going four a year without water. It must feel amazing to finally drink again. But honesty, I don't see how can say this chapter may be confusing. It's not!
12/19/2016 c4 5QuietRose-13
I really like how you've paced this so far. I hate when people rush through the explanations and reveal their hand too early. I like that there is still a little bit of mystery with Sam and nothing has been blatantly explained and hand fed to us. You're letting the story develop itself without spending too much time just explaining everything and I love it. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see where this goes.
12/18/2016 c4 2Lady-Stesonora
Yay! You updated! And it's not THAT cheesy. It's actually pretty good.
10/29/2016 c2 2Skylight Prime
Please continue soon This is the best I read in years
3/20/2016 c2 3QueenOfTheSilver98
Well, this is certainly a unique plot. I think it's pretty cool your OC's an alien with amnesia, and I am curious as to where she's from. And writer's block...*sighs* going through it right now, I know how you feel. Hope you update soon though, I'm really want to see where this does ;)
3/6/2016 c1 Guest
Great story so far! I hope Sam can get out soon, please continue this story when your not busy!
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