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for Queen of Booth's Heart

2/25/2016 c1 1LadyMary86
This was beautiful! I loved way you captured the love that Booth and Brennan have for each other. You should add another part to this story, with Booth doing soething special for Brennan. Good work! I hope you'll keep writing!
2/25/2016 c1 11gatewatcher
Fun! It's nice to see them so comfortable and enjoying themselves. and ... he got a motorcycle! Nicely done :)
2/25/2016 c1 1aadams00
Beautiful story!
2/25/2016 c1 Guest
The very best.
2/24/2016 c1 jsboneslover
What a wonderful read this was. I'm only sad that it's over. This is the best possible use of Bones' money, don't you think?
2/24/2016 c1 jsboneslover
What a wonderful read this was. I'm only sad that it's over. This is the best possible use of Bones' money, don't you think?
2/24/2016 c1 112GalaxieGurl
An ever-so-cute and thoroughly engaging story of Bones lavishing unique and original gifts on her Booth. She may not consider herself as being romantic, but you've helped her execute an excellently heart-thrilling weekend! Well done, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
2/24/2016 c1 85554Laura
What a cute story! I love all the gifts and the ideas behind them. Thanks for sharing.

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