Just In
for Coffee Shop

5/10/2020 c3 MisfortunateJester
Shame this story was never continued but it was really cute!
2/24/2017 c3 6NightRae21
Please continue!
2/4/2017 c3 Queen Of Lone Wolves
wonderful story I hope you update soon
11/19/2016 c2 FireCanFly
P.S. This is really good! Update!
11/19/2016 c3 FireCanFly
This is really interesting. Please update because I really want to see what happens if Jason does invite her the wedding, her reaction to it, then Jason's reaction when he finds out who the father is, and finally Dicks reaction.
8/21/2016 c3 creativesm75
8/6/2016 c3 Valkerie13
7/30/2016 c1 lovelyoko31001
This Is A Good Story, I Want To See More. Update Soon Please
6/12/2016 c3 recey2010
This story is so great but the chapter are too short! More !
6/12/2016 c3 Elisablackcat
well holy shit. i did NOT expect dick to be the dad...such a shitty dad at that...this is sooo gonna be a shitstorm...i hate myself for being so curious and inflicting more pain upon myself DDX
6/12/2016 c3 Guest
4/23/2016 c2 Guest
So super cute!
4/21/2016 c2 recey2010
Great update ! No worries about it time ! Keep writing!
4/7/2016 c1 Elisablackcat
hah XDDD
3/25/2016 c1 recey2010
Cute start!
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