Just In
for A Dragons Spirit

11/25/2019 c5 Night Rider
great hopre its the nightfurry
7/29/2019 c4 craznightfury
The twins could both have snakes as their pets and you could name them the same names as the dragons they have in the movie. Hope this helps:)
8/14/2018 c8 1Cactus-Studios
Has anyone adopted it yet I want to finish the rest
7/13/2018 c8 10supersandman86
This story has got a great potential. Not many done on dragon souls although the nanobot thing could be confusing but it would make a nice plot twist, like saying a reason bad guys want him for it only to find they were a failure and it was his dragon soul that actually saved him and healed him. The nanobot were just there at the right time. I'd take it off your hands but with my own story plus my social life, it may not take off. But have you asked the likes of vala, Nightstar or harrypanther if they'd like a go.
6/4/2017 c1 2Izamania
If it's ok I will adopt this as it is a brilliant story idear.
10/14/2016 c6 Great
Ok, first of all, Im sorry but for the next couple of paragraphs Im going to sound like a critic but please bear with me ok?
I will tell you that your story has potential to be really good, but you need to organize its facts, storyline and characters a bit better. Truly know where they came from and how the story will progress. Here are somethings I had doubts about:
1) In the character introduction of Chapter 1, you said that Hiccup got his DSE at age 2, while in Chapter 5, you mentioned that it was from birth.
2) If it was truly from birth that he got his DSE, then the marks should have been noted by the hospital, even as only birthmarks. And Im almost sure that, unless the marks are in his skull below his hair or turn invisible when not in use, surely someone would have noticed his marks on his ears, even if it was only Gobber or Frederick.
3) Returning to the marks... how do the characters know what a Night Fury or Bewilderbeast look like, if no one has ever had the marks? As for a suggestion, I think that you should make Dual Marks as rare but that there were others before him that had them.
4) I don't mind mixing technology and magic, but They do need a common point. You gave Hiccup some nanobots, so that he could survive, but aside from "healing" him, having tougher "skin" and maybe being able to do a shield, what else will they do? A good example of a mix between technology and magic would be the novel/manga/anime Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, if you want a reference.
5) As for the accident, I find easier to think that he almost got out of the car's way except for his leg, but truly that's your choice.
6) If Hiccup has been living as a recluse and being bullied for 9-10 years, although he can forgive Astrid in 15 min, trust is not that easily given, especially about secrets. I would expect it to take around 2-3 weeks, heck even a month or two, before he tells her anything.

Once again, Im sorry if I sound too nagging but I do like your story, Looking forward to more!
10/5/2016 c6 1SpaceyDaDragon
can't wait for your next step in this work of art
9/21/2016 c6 lovezombies4
please update soon
6/1/2016 c6 2bloody dragon fang
Three things
1) I am curious as to what someone who has a Red Death DSE, they could be someone as horrible as Alvin.
2) Does someone with a Forever Wing DSE sleep for long periods of time, i mean these dragons are very slow movies.
3) If someone had the DSE of a Volcanibeast then would that mean that would be the natural enemy to anyone who has a Bewilderbeast DSE, if that's the case then who would be the Partner to the Volcanibeast since the Bewilderbeast is partnered with the Night Fury.

All in all I would love to meet someone who has a Volcanibeast DSE, Truth i would pair the Volcanibeast with the Strike class dragon known only as "Star Chaser" dragon.
5/27/2016 c1 Ha
5/21/2016 c5 jennyrawr
Pls continue writing this stir I want to know what happens next
5/17/2016 c5 allerleirauh2012
Great chapters. Can't wait for the next one.
5/16/2016 c5 Husebad
I knew Hiccup would have night fury and bewilderbeast, also maybe Fishlegs can have a hamster or ginnypig (spelling is probably wrong but whatever)
4/29/2016 c3 zonetan
loving this cant wait for the next chapter
4/8/2016 c2 Husebad
This has promise to be really awesome keep up the good work :)
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