Just In
for The Uzumaki Phenex

3/22/2017 c6 Pedro52
3/22/2017 c6 Delta3950
I thought you'd already gotten past the library point or did you not like its results and decide to redo it?
3/22/2017 c6 PasiveNox
It's good:):):):)::)
3/22/2017 c6 1hellfire45
Good chapter but with the change in author i hope you don't completely change the plot
3/22/2017 c6 Yagami fan
Thanks for the chapter. I really enjoy It good luck
3/22/2017 c6 someone likes to read
aye,its really great some continuing this story,hope u the best of luck bro :3
3/22/2017 c6 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
3/22/2017 c6 becauseno
woooo! neeeewww chhapterrr!
3/22/2017 c6 4animecollecter
Okay what the hell is this? This is not chapter 6.
3/22/2017 c6 55kira444
So, is this a rewrite or a continuation? Because I kinda got mixed up with the flow considering this story hasn't been updated in such a long time.
3/22/2017 c6 5AnonLemming
This is literally a repeat of chapter 2, don't know if there was a mixup somewhere but please fix.
3/22/2017 c6 33Crowfeast
You do know this a reposting of chapter two right?
3/22/2017 c6 2Mugen Arashi
umm, dude this is chapter 2, not chap 6( we must sound like a broken record)
3/22/2017 c6 Alcov
Do you post chapter two content in chapter six?
3/22/2017 c6 Justafan1001
Um... this is chapter 2. I think you messed up the upload. So disappointed... I used to follow this story, even though it has terrible grammer. Please do the correct update soon. The title of the 6th chapter does say "2 years later", so I'm guessing you already have something written.
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