Just In
for The Bloody Rose

3/18/2016 c4 GatorLHA2
Interesting plot and view point
3/18/2016 c4 X Blue Eyed Demon X
Love it!
3/17/2016 c4 littleelfmom
So Voldemorte is her father does that mean her carrier was Regulas? Just taking a stab in the dark since Black is related to her.
3/17/2016 c4 lightbabe
Is Alya Regulus' daughter? Looking forward to reading more.
3/15/2016 c3 GatorLHA2
Please continue!
3/15/2016 c2 GatorLHA2
3/15/2016 c3 Tommy14
I'm guessing that she's Voldemort's daughter? Can't wait to find out.
3/14/2016 c3 Diddleymaz
Thomasina? Marvelina? mMerope.
3/14/2016 c3 X Blue Eyed Demon X
Love it!
Can't wait to read more!
3/13/2016 c2 X Blue Eyed Demon X
Love it!
Can't wait to read more!
Nice job!
3/13/2016 c2 9DaSalvatore
A Tom's little baby? I'm interested in seeing where you go with this.
3/13/2016 c1 lightbabe
Looking forward to reading more.
3/12/2016 c1 Jostanos
Aileen, you have my support. I will read what you write, and I will review when I may. If reviewing is not possible, I will Favor and follow you.

please continue when you may, Aileen. :)
3/12/2016 c1 Diddleymaz
Brilliant start, looking forward to reading along as you post!
3/12/2016 c1 X Blue Eyed Demon X
love it!
can't wait to read more!
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