Just In
for Determinism, Destiny And Free-Will

5/14/2024 c1 Guest
Great story!
4/9/2023 c1 Guest
One of my all time favourites! Tom is OOC in this, but great fun to read about, hehehe. Wish you’d give us the James/femSirius story as well when you can.
3/27/2023 c1 1bella7-anastasia
An awesome story. I appreciate your efforts to calculate all the sunrises. I feel in love with this story. Keep it up!
6/19/2022 c1 ger
interesting concpet i like
5/2/2021 c1 Guest
Sweet lord, I loooooved this! I am begging you, please, PLEASE, write more in this universe! Something about James and Ursa or some kind of sequel about Tom and Harriet! Anything! I am not usually a fan of Harry/Tom fics because they always have Harry going dark and that's just not my thing... but I'm definitely down for a good Tom!
Such a great story!
Awww, so cute
12/30/2020 c1 Guest
Omggg, this fic is so so good! You have such great potential, I loved this so much, please keep writing!
11/27/2020 c1 ArgentiSolis
I came upon this by accident but damn this was sweet. I tend to avoid voldie and Harry fics but I wouldn't mind it if he was sane. Which he was in this one
10/9/2020 c1 PrettyPinkCupcake
This was very nice. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for writing!
4/23/2020 c1 Guest
So good! So very, very, very, good.
4/1/2020 c1 Ellie
This story is really good. So many stories with this pairing have Harry going dark, but this one was different and I like it.
3/1/2020 c1 Elle
12/14/2018 c1 4Venipa
10/17/2018 c1 4KuramaxChan
Hey !

'Really enjoyed your story ! It is original and cute.
Great work !

A french fan.
9/21/2018 c1 2Zeila27
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