5/14/2024 c1 Guest
Great story!
Great story!
4/9/2023 c1 Guest
One of my all time favourites! Tom is OOC in this, but great fun to read about, hehehe. Wish you’d give us the James/femSirius story as well when you can.
One of my all time favourites! Tom is OOC in this, but great fun to read about, hehehe. Wish you’d give us the James/femSirius story as well when you can.
3/27/2023 c1
An awesome story. I appreciate your efforts to calculate all the sunrises. I feel in love with this story. Keep it up!

An awesome story. I appreciate your efforts to calculate all the sunrises. I feel in love with this story. Keep it up!
6/19/2022 c1 ger
interesting concpet i like
interesting concpet i like
5/2/2021 c1 Guest
Sweet lord, I loooooved this! I am begging you, please, PLEASE, write more in this universe! Something about James and Ursa or some kind of sequel about Tom and Harriet! Anything! I am not usually a fan of Harry/Tom fics because they always have Harry going dark and that's just not my thing... but I'm definitely down for a good Tom!
Such a great story!
Sweet lord, I loooooved this! I am begging you, please, PLEASE, write more in this universe! Something about James and Ursa or some kind of sequel about Tom and Harriet! Anything! I am not usually a fan of Harry/Tom fics because they always have Harry going dark and that's just not my thing... but I'm definitely down for a good Tom!
Such a great story!
12/30/2020 c1 Guest
Omggg, this fic is so so good! You have such great potential, I loved this so much, please keep writing!
Omggg, this fic is so so good! You have such great potential, I loved this so much, please keep writing!
11/27/2020 c1 ArgentiSolis
I came upon this by accident but damn this was sweet. I tend to avoid voldie and Harry fics but I wouldn't mind it if he was sane. Which he was in this one
I came upon this by accident but damn this was sweet. I tend to avoid voldie and Harry fics but I wouldn't mind it if he was sane. Which he was in this one
4/23/2020 c1 Guest
So good! So very, very, very, good.
So good! So very, very, very, good.
4/1/2020 c1 Ellie
This story is really good. So many stories with this pairing have Harry going dark, but this one was different and I like it.
This story is really good. So many stories with this pairing have Harry going dark, but this one was different and I like it.
3/1/2020 c1 Elle
10/17/2018 c1
Hey !
'Really enjoyed your story ! It is original and cute.
Great work !
A french fan.

Hey !
'Really enjoyed your story ! It is original and cute.
Great work !
A french fan.