Just In
for Anyway, I've Been There

3/25/2016 c1 7StkAmbln
Oh my... it felt really... good and hard at the same time.
Well, it's really friggin good writing. But you made it awesome at getting on Dipper's shoes and describing how all it must feel.
Well, it's one possibility. Because I don't really think they would feel so disconnected of their lives before summer, but this is a fascinating scenario to explore.
Gonna read next chapter when I'm able.
3/25/2016 c2 Guest
*happy sigh* Finally a GOOD fanfic about the twins summer after Gravity Falls. I feel so bad for Dipper, I can't wait until next summer when he's back in his 'natural habitat.'
3/25/2016 c2 8The Keeper of Worlds
Very much enjoying that:)
3/25/2016 c2 Dip the Hashashin
love how mabel's looking out for dipper even as he tries to dismiss it. its so adorkableeee
3/23/2016 c1 6Spyden
Good start to a fic that I'm hoping will explore a little more of the aftermath of weirdmeddon and our favorite twins' home life. They may not have ptsd, but they have grown quite a bit since they left.

Looking forward to more.
3/23/2016 c1 Dip the Hashashin
ooh, i'm liking this so far. i'd imagine that dipper and mabel - especially dipper - would still be caught up in the whole weirdness of Gravity Falls, although they're, what, seven, ten hours away now. (although, according to ford, weirdness CAN happen outside of it regardless his theory of Gravity Falls Weirdness Magnetism or whatever he called it.) weirdmageddon would especially be traumatizing. the kids have seen a lot, but they're only thirteen. but again, this is the Mystery Twins we're talking about...

looking forward to the next chapter, if there will be one!
3/23/2016 c1 8The Keeper of Worlds
I'm loving this so far:)
3/22/2016 c1 Sash'Rahaal
Holy cow what ridiculous timing. I literally just finished marathoning the whole series on sunday, and then this pops up two days later.

I'm very excited to see where you go with this, since I'm currently on my post-series fanfiction binge and I cannot stop please send help.
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