Just In
for Hollow Moon

8/4/2016 c5 MOONWOLF1234
Really liking this so far !
7/31/2016 c5 dizzydani777
just got interesting
7/30/2016 c5 Ayjah
Hope you plan to continue. This has a great start.
7/2/2016 c5 7Whitemiko12
Love it! Keep updating!
6/10/2016 c5 Sesshou's ward
Interesting premise, looking forward to seeing where this goes!
6/10/2016 c5 Applejax XD
lolz, i love the interaction between Kagome and Shippo, i cant wait for the next chappie XD
6/8/2016 c5 o0-SilverMoon-0o
This is really good! I already want more!
6/5/2016 c5 Angel4EverLostInLife
More please!
6/5/2016 c5 Lullaby's Darkness
update again soon! I love death note and inuyasha so put together must be awesome. At least it is so far.
6/4/2016 c5 8Spastic Freak
Caught red handed! The detective becomes the culprit! Can't wait for the next one!
6/4/2016 c4 Alice
vivement la suite
6/3/2016 c4 Spastic Freak
Really looking forward to reading more of this!
6/2/2016 c4 7WildfireDreams
Can't wait to read more
6/2/2016 c4 Alice
vivement la suite
6/2/2016 c3 Guest
eeeeh only one chapter, your killing me here lol. i love your fic
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