6/10/2016 c5 Applejax XD
lolz, i love the interaction between Kagome and Shippo, i cant wait for the next chappie XD
lolz, i love the interaction between Kagome and Shippo, i cant wait for the next chappie XD
6/5/2016 c5 Lullaby's Darkness
update again soon! I love death note and inuyasha so put together must be awesome. At least it is so far.
update again soon! I love death note and inuyasha so put together must be awesome. At least it is so far.
6/4/2016 c5 8Spastic Freak
Caught red handed! The detective becomes the culprit! Can't wait for the next one!
Caught red handed! The detective becomes the culprit! Can't wait for the next one!
6/4/2016 c4 Alice
vivement la suite
vivement la suite
6/2/2016 c4 Alice
vivement la suite
vivement la suite
6/2/2016 c3 Guest
eeeeh only one chapter, your killing me here lol. i love your fic
eeeeh only one chapter, your killing me here lol. i love your fic