Just In
for When My Life Got Magically Complicated

5/30/2017 c13 SuzziQ
Slightly confused by all the jumping around, but I like where the stories going. Good thing I know once upon a time lol. Can't wait to read the rest! This is a very interesting story, but I can't wait to see where it goes!
5/29/2017 c13 Kiwistreetswan
Pivotal moment... Killian and Swan have a daughter with beautiful blonde hair and eyes of blue. Yay! I so wish the programme had gone this route.

To have their happy ever after and no little ones was a touch disappointing - if understandable with Jen leaving the show.

Looking forward to seeing Hook meet his daughter and to see if Emma falls in love with her pirate again... I have high hopes.
5/29/2017 c13 26oncer4life11
loved this, loved how excitied Henry was to finally meet Emma. And that Henry always knew about her, can't wait to see them together more, and for Killian to meet his daughter.
5/29/2017 c13 andria
so glad henry remembered emma and I look forward to seeing how Killian reacts to the news of him having a daughter with emma please update again soon
3/19/2017 c12 andria
cannot wait to read more after this family reunion loved it
3/17/2017 c12 oncer4life11
Oh ok, i forgot she already knew Henry was hers. Of course you end it right when they would of meet. Hope their reunion goes well.
3/15/2017 c11 andria
cannot wait for the next chapter
3/15/2017 c11 oncer4life11
When are Emma and Killian going to re-meet each other, and Emma get Henry back?
12/11/2016 c10 andria
I really hope killian is on the good side of things
12/10/2016 c10 Guest
Hope Hook is on Emma's side or learns about his daughter.
12/10/2016 c10 oncer4life11
can't wait for Emma to be reunited with Henry, especially now she knows he really is her son
11/23/2016 c9 Zelda Ray
Love it you need to post the next chapter soon I'm living in suspense!
11/19/2016 c9 Andria
Is killian's lennie's father? I loved the flashbacks
11/1/2016 c8 Guest
Can you pls continue this? I really want to know what will happen
9/30/2016 c8 andria
no killian in this chapter? I love little lennie I hope she and henry get to meet soon
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