Just In
for There's Something Odd About Tsuna

10/7/2019 c1 Dman4869
Wuuuuuuttttt. Tsuna spirit was doing the savings all along. Ty!
9/14/2019 c1 TheTea-ist
What! What happened
8/21/2017 c1 SingleWarrior043
What the fuck? I did not see that coming.
5/14/2017 c1 15infaroyya
is he sick?
3/19/2017 c1 3Densetsu Kiseki
11/20/2016 c1 11Hime-chan Natsumi
Miedo... Que interesante~ me gusto. Gracias por publicar
7/25/2016 c1 3thebizarrehairtrio
Holy FUCK.
4/16/2016 c1 Lacie
So Tsuna gathered them when he was dead?
4/7/2016 c1 2yourlilimaxilove
Oh my god for some reason this was heartbreaking, you should make a sequel!
4/6/2016 c1 Frwt
4/5/2016 c1 thanatoshypnosbeloved
O_O What? HUH?! Wait... so.. Tsuna has been dead from the beginning? And... he was able to save them? But, how did he die? From bullying? HOW?! Q.Q Poor Tsuna...
4/5/2016 c1 2no03
Damn, all of your khr fics are depressing as hell. I love it
But really, what the fuck happened to tsuna?
4/5/2016 c1 Angelic yet Demonic
Whyy? I'm dying from this... to fast... whyyyyy
3/31/2016 c1 Guest
Please continue.
3/31/2016 c1 Miyaka Himizuka
Oh, well, cool? I don't know..., it's 'wow'. Hmm, how about Sequel? :D
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