Just In
for Addicted to You

5/12/2021 c17 Phoebepuff
Please please tell me there will be more to this story?
5/11/2021 c17 mrslara2112
Im so happy , i love this story.
5/11/2021 c17 1Babaksmiles
This is absolutely one of my favourites! Love Hermione and Draco especially him as a werewolf!
5/10/2021 c17 alannalove1990
Gahhhhhhhh imagine how tired she must be!
5/10/2021 c17 Shangeorgiamarie
Not sure how i missed this story before be sorely hoping this will get some regular updates!
5/9/2021 c17 Barcrider
Glad you’re updating this one again! Can’t wait for more, thank you author!
5/9/2021 c17 2FoxesRun
Loved this chapter! Thanks for the update!
5/9/2021 c17 GameBetweenPages
ugh! so much but still a tease ending! this is definitely one of my favorites, you make me wish werewolfDraco was a real person that I need to go find! I will forever patiently wait for you to update, not matter how long it takes
5/9/2021 c17 Calimocho
Thanks for the awesome update:
5/8/2021 c17 Marycielo Felton
Si parecía que Draco quería su luna de miel, jajajaja, me preguntó que tan intensa se va a poner su relación a partir de aquí.
5/8/2021 c17 bellybutton79
5/7/2021 c3 Rossess20
Well she sure got her Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth Bennett lol. Arrogant dick whose secretly just awkward versus the "normal one".
5/7/2021 c1 Rossess20
I've learned I need to stop being picky with the pairings in the stuff you writeI'm gonna like it either way lol.
5/6/2021 c17 Ashlea
Thank you for the update! ️️ I’m looking forward to seeing how Hermione and Draco will interact with each other from now on. Haha I can’t wait for Harry’s and Ron’s reactions!
5/7/2021 c11 2SweetMotherHaveMercy
Idk if I've left a comment like this before but ugh I just can't NOT. The bit of mirroring of the pride and prejudice proposal monologue is so PERFECT. it's everything. I just... I love it. Thank you for all these feels! This is epicly underrated.
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