Just In
for Addicted to You

5/4/2021 c17 Gaia
Hahaha I love this! Malfoy being all clingy. So cute
Great chapter!
5/3/2021 c17 Guest
I missed this fic! Thank you for posting
5/3/2021 c17 Guest
OMG! Wonderful! I NEED to know what Harry and Ron Will say. Thank you!
5/3/2021 c17 Elladora
Thank you for the update, I look forward to their new interactions now that they are mated. I'm so excited!
5/4/2021 c17 6AureliaBlack90
loving it! harry and ron are going to have a field day
5/3/2021 c17 Smckoy929
Great chapter
5/3/2021 c17 shinigami-seeker
Awesome stuff
5/3/2021 c17 Azu-susi-chan
Such a good story although now I'm terrified! I've just noticed you're update scheduled. What have I done to myself
But it's a great story!
5/3/2021 c17 10Alice1420
Muy contenta por ver nuevamente capitulos de este fin.
5/3/2021 c17 NightlyRowenTree
Yay! Thanks for the new chapter much appreciated
5/3/2021 c17 AussieSweet
Wow! An update! I'm so curious as to how this will unfold. And I suspect, Hermione will end up in that room again in the evening, doesn't matter if she wants it or not.
Looking forward for more! Thank you!
5/3/2021 c17 27Vaneesa85
Loving it please continue soon
5/3/2021 c17 Sierracalls
Great chapter! I love everything you write! Thank you for sharing!
5/3/2021 c17 KeshireCat
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AN UPDATE! AM I DREAMING? ARE YOU LEAVING HIBERNATION? (no pressure to be regular ofc I'll read whatever you post, whenever you post it) THIS STORY IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE FICS. THE PLOT, THE BUILD-UP, THE SMUT *chef's kiss* CAN'T. WAIT. FOR. MORE.
5/3/2021 c17 kotoko89
A/N was just as fun to read, as the whole chapter. XD
Thanks for updating. .b
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