Just In
for Teen Titans: The Symbiotic Heroine

5/24/2017 c6 8riptidedarkphoenix
12/14/2016 c6 Hexal
If toxin does go crazy I see him as a dead pool crazy not a joker crazy but with a protectivness of scarlet does that make sense
11/23/2016 c6 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Whoohoo! Great chapter! Loved everything. Especially how Scarlet geeked out on seeing the Batcave. Lol. THAT was hilarious. Anyhoo...I wonder what shall take place next chapter? Just what're you planning Joker?!

See y'all then.
8/26/2016 c5 Legion Breacher
Awesome story, there aren't many that involve female symbiote host that isn't pure smut. I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes, though I did have two thoughts while I was reading this.

1. What is the pairing (if any) going to be for Scarlet? I'm curious since there doesn't seem to be even any hints of one yet, though I commend you for that if you are intending for there to be a pairing. Too many stories introduce a character to a story and a 'love at first sight' happens and they either get together within a couple of chapters or dance around each other for 30 because angst.

Then there is how Toxin would effect things. Most stories involving symbiotes that have romance either completely ignore them, are the driving force in the relationship because symbiote driven instinct to breed is apparently hot, or they become a living sex toy for their host. Considering you are treating Toxin as an actually intelligent and sentient entity in his own right his presence could cause quite a few complications for any relationship you might want Scarlet to be in.

2. This is less about this story, and more of an idea for a spin off for it. Basically I was wondering how Scarlet and Toxin would effect the 'Injustice: Gods Among Us' universe. Would they join Superman or Batman? (I'm guessing Batman since she is shaping up to be the Spider-Man of this universe). Would the Dick Grayson Robin still be alive? Would Raven and Cyborg have Joined Superman? (Don't know what happened to Starfire since I never played the game and all I know comes from fanfics that are abandoned after 3 or 4 chapters).

These are the questions that my crossover loving brain thinks about while I should be sleeping.
7/31/2016 c5 Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Great filler chapter! I sure did enjoy it. Thank you for also answering my question from my last review. Anyhoo, I loved how well Starfire handled her little "operation" with Scarlet. It was also good to see Scarlet opening up as well. I can practically imagine the scene right now...Starfire and Scarlet eating Nachos while enjoying the Soccer Game! And Little Toxin! It was funny how he was so in thought of having some sweets that he forgot to activate his Spider-Sense. Lol. Also, that part wit Fang...was it intentional when you wrote his interest in Scarlet? Me thinks some foreshadowing is there!

Keep this up! I am SO LOVING THIS! Also, take as long as ya need in order to make chapters. Real life DOES come first after all. Till next update.
7/31/2016 c5 43DragonKingDragneel25
Joker's coming to town? Or the Titans heading to Gotham? Either way, next chapter proves to be very good! Excellent chapter! Keep up the good work!
6/20/2016 c4 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Intriguing! So with Toxin's lineage, there are also downsides to it eh? I sure hope that both he and Scarlet will be able to handle that future problem...together.

As for the ending part of this, it was quite enjoyable. It was unexpected to see Venom teaming up with Slade. I wonder what it was Venom even acquired? And what of Carnage? What will he do when he finds out about dear ol' daddy joining the tough guys? Hmm...

It was also kinda a shame to see Terra leave. Bad things will surely happen due to her decision (coughcanoncough). Nonetheless, I still hope her fate is different than in canon. Speaking of which, will you be changing a few things that some fans didn't like in the show? Just curious. Ya don't have to answer that question.

Other than that, ya did good. Both you and Jinx. I hope to see more soon. Till then!
6/14/2016 c2 1random-kishin
Kid Toxin is amazing! This is a well done and interesting story, keep up the good work!
5/11/2016 c3 5Nightspirit152
Love this story a lot, can't wait to see what happens next. :)
5/11/2016 c3 43DragonKingDragneel25
Yeah. I don't think having Eddie Brock as a host would do Toxin many favors (last I checked that's who Toxin was bonded too, right? I don't remember). But still, you two have done an excellent job, and I wish you the best of luck in continuing it.

And the cover is good, but personally, I would have done something to reference Toxin more than just putting the Spiderman symbol as the background. Perhaps having Toxin looking over her shoulder or having her Toxin 'costume' cover one half of her? But then again, I'm not that artistic. Still, it's good for your purposes and I do like the cover, so good job. Can't wait for the next update.
5/11/2016 c3 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Whoooooo! Great work! I enjoyed this a whole ton! Thanks for updating!

Anyway, looks like Scarlet and Toxin somehow have their suspicions about Terra. I wonder how they senses Slade as well? I'd better take a look at Toxin's wiki page then shouldn't I? LOLZ.

I also enjoyed how Scarlet felt...conflicted when the Titans were interacting with Terra. Really gave her some growth there.

And finally, Kid Toxin! lol. Good job writing him! He is SO adorable when it comes to chocolate and other kiddy stuff. Wonder what he'll be like once he's fully matured? I also hope Raven will get over her doubts about Scarlet/Toxin too. Didn't think I noticed didja? Lol. Just kidding.

Anyway, keep it up and see ya next update ok?

P.S. I can't wait to see Venom next chapter.
5/8/2016 c2 5Nightspirit152
I love the hell out of this.
5/1/2016 c2 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Oh boy! Terra will be coming in next chapter?! OMG! Cool. Will anything change I wonder?

Update soon cause this is now on my favs and follows list!
5/1/2016 c1 Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Whoa! This is a most dcellent story! So this will have Toxin with a female host?! This is rarely done! I must've stumbled across a goldmine of something! Lol.

But seriously! Good work.
4/26/2016 c2 43DragonKingDragneel25
Very good. Keep up the good work you two. This is a great story, and very innovative using Toxin. I applaud you two.
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