Just In
for I'm the Big Bad Wolf

7/29/2021 c1 Guest
Can you please continue this story it really really good and please at least tell me who you pair Bigby with. I hope it Alice.
3/20/2020 c1 ThousandSonSorcere
An interesting story, buuuuuut TZEENTCH DAMIT a discontinued story by the looks of it. Would have been interested in the other chapters, since it involves Bigby and an interesting story.
8/23/2018 c1 Guest
Please make it bigby x Rosalie
8/23/2018 c1 Guest
Is it bigby x Esme
2/13/2018 c1 icedshadows
...its not yellow the glow in his eye?
anyway good start continu!
11/26/2016 c1 ORACLE
Please continue, believe when I tell you this story has potential :D
6/27/2016 c1 Guest
6/11/2016 c1 4Marine.chan94
Oh man. That ending nearly killed me xD
Seriously, it's a very interesting beginning and I hope to see the next chapter someday. Anyways, that was super nice to read ! Until next time :)
4/22/2016 c1 Matthew Gemm
Please update.
4/12/2016 c1 Zenaku Okami
I normally stay away from twilight fics on a matter of principle but this story might make me interested enough to give more stories a try.

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