Just In
for Life's A Game

8/27 c25 Natsu-kora
Great story! The world buidling and character development is fantastic.
6/28 c25 1Vex Florez
Sadly it's unlikely this story ever gets finished, but it is still well worth a read.
6/21 c2 Guest
Bro got named like the sharingan technique
5/2 c1 Rizz
Sorry the fic might be good, but the name Amaterasu Uchiha just put me off!
4/28 c25 Celeste
I just binged the whole fanfic in one sitting and wow. I loved how you developed Amaterasu's character in the story, giving her issues, which makes her seem all the more human.

Fantastic writing, and I hope you're doing well, wherever you are.
1/5 c25 Guest
Love it
12/11/2023 c25 2HPMARIE
amazing story, love it!
10/23/2023 c1 meronepal12364262
it's simply bad
10/2/2023 c7 kenbencel
dMndanzi n where's the humanatarian counxil forei fire banish exile tbhat guy dnazo
10/2/2023 c6 kenbencel
yeah mind ... like asuka
8/17/2023 c25 4Hollow Lives
Loved the vengeful Amaterasu.
Great story really enjoyed it, hope to see it continued
8/14/2023 c22 Solti
wish you health and stress free life
7/31/2023 c6 NamelessWanderer6
I like how there were very clear consequences in this chapter.
7/31/2023 c4 NamelessWanderer6
Shisui and Amaterasu’s burgeoning relationship, very cute.
7/31/2023 c3 NamelessWanderer6
Good plan on Ama’s part, guilt tripping, super effective!
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